Documentation icon Andoza hujjati[koʻrib chiqish] [tahrirlash] [tarix] [yangilash]



Ushbu andoza ({{FIFA World Rankings}}) FIFAning barcha 211 erkaklar terma jamoalari uchun FIFA Jahon reytingini tezda yangilash uchun moʻljallangan boʻlib, har bir terma jamoa maqolasidagi maʼlumot qutisida koʻrsatiladi. Mamlakat kodi berilganda, andoza mamlakatning FIFA Jahon reytingini hamda harakat ko‘rsatkichi (o‘sish, pasayish yoki barqaror) va agar mavjud bo‘lsa, mamlakat necha nuqtaga siljishi bo‘yicha chiqadi. FIFA veb-saytidagi reytingga havola bilan birga reyting sanasi ham keltirilgan.

Agar so'ralsa, FIFA reytingi ma'lumotnomasidan maqolaning boshqa joylarida "FIFA World Rankings" nomidan foydalanish mumkin (i.e. <ref name="FIFA World Rankings"/>).


  • 1 (unnamed): FIFA mamlakat kodi
  • mdy: Sanalarni oy-kun-yil formatiga o'tkazadi

Gibraltar reytingini koʻrsatish uchun ishlatiladigan kod misoli:

{{FIFA World Rankings|GIB}}

Ushbu kod quyidagilarni ishlab chiqaradi:

196 1 (19 December 2024)[1]

  1. „The FIFA/Coca-Cola Men's World Ranking“. FIFA (2024-yil 19-dekabr). Qaraldi: 2024-yil 19-dekabr.

Andozani sinov muhiti sahifasida sinab koʻrish mumkin, Andoza:FIFA World Rankings/sandbox.



The main template page is not meant to be updated. The rankings should be updated at Module:SportsRankings/data/FIFA World Rankings.

To update the rankings:

  1. On line 16, add the day and month (along with the year if necessary) of the current rankings
  2. On line 17, add the day and month (along with the year if necessary) of the previous rankings
  3. Between line 22 and 232, paste in the code for the new rankings (see generating code section)

and save. Once the cache of a national team page is purged, the updated ranking will be displayed.

Generating rankings code


All positions can be quickly updated using a spreadsheet. For example, after copying the entire ranking list (211 rows from all five pages, unedited) from FIFA's ranking list, the following formula can be used in an external spreadsheet to generate the code necessary to update the data page (given the FIFA rankings begin in cell A1):

="          {  """&B1&""", "&A1&", "&E1&", "&C1&" },"

If unnecessary lines are included, then paste the text into a site to remove lines with the string , , ,.

Yana qarang
