Andoza:Jadval aholi
local p = {}
-- ********************************************************** -- Andoza:Jadvalniraqamlash andozasi orqali -- Birinchi jadvaldagi sonni yoʻl raqamiga almashtiradi function p.AutoNumBox2(frame)
local g = frame:getParent().args[1] local NumStr = tonumber (frame:getParent().args['Старт'] or "1"); if g == nil then return "Maʻlumot yoʻq" end g = g:gsub(".*{|(.*)|}.*", "%1") local Titul = g:sub(1, (g:find ("\n!") or 1) - 1) g = g:sub((g:find ("\n!") or 1)) g = g:gsub("||", "\n|") local Pos0 = 0 while g:find("|%-[^|]*(|[^\n]*\n)", Pos0 + 1) ~= nil do Pos1, Pos2 = g:find("|%-[^|]*(|[^\n]*\n)", Pos0 + 1) while g:find("|", Pos1 + 1) ~= nil and g:find("|", Pos1 + 1) < Pos2 do Pos1 = g:find("|", Pos1 + 1) end if g:find("%d", Pos1) ~= nil and g:find("%d", Pos1) < Pos2 then Pos3, Pos4 = g:find("%d+", Pos1) g = g:sub(1, Pos3 - 1)..NumStr..g:sub(Pos4 + 1) NumStr = NumStr + 1 end Pos0 = Pos2 end return "{|"..Titul..g.."|}"
-- ********************************************************** -- Jonli chaqirish -- Birinchi jadvaldagi # simvolini yoʻl raqamiga almashtiradi function p.AutoNumBox ( frame )
local NumStr = tonumber (frame.args['Старт'] or "1"); local g = frame.args[1] g = g:gsub("^%s- -{{", "", 1) g = g:gsub("}}%s- -$", "", 1) pattern = "|%s*#%s*%s*|" while string.find (g, pattern) ~= nil do g = g:gsub(pattern, "|"..NumStr.."\n".."|", 1) NumStr = NumStr + 1 end return g
-- ********************************************************** function p.AutoNum ( frame )
local args = frame.args; local Style = (frame.args['Koʻrinish'] or "standard"); local Column = tonumber (frame.args['Ustunlar'] or "0"); local NumStr = tonumber (frame.args['Старт'] or "1"); local Title0 = (frame.args['Тақырып0'] or "№") local Titles = {} for i = 1, Column do Titles[i] =(frame.args["Mavzu"..i] or "Mavzu"..i) end local Width0 = (frame.args['Eni0']); local Widths = {} for i = 1, Column do Widths[i] =(frame.args["Eni"..i]) end local Align0 = (frame.args['Toʻgʻirlash0'] or "center") local Aligns = {} for i = 1, Column do Aligns[i] =(frame.args["Toʻgʻirlash"..i] or "left") end
local g="
" -- Mavzular yoʻli g = g..""Yoʻl soni bilan ustun mavzusi
g = g.."<th"; if Width0 ~= nil then g = g.." width='"..Width0.."'" end; g = g..">"g = g..Title0..""
Boshqa mavzular
for i = 1, Column do g = g.."<th"; if Widths[i] ~= nil then g = g.." width='"..Widths[i].."'" end; g = g..">"g = g..Titles[i].."" end g = g.."" -- Manbalarni olish yoʻllari J = 1 while args[(J-1)*Column+1] ~= nil do g = g..""
for i = 1, Column do if args[(J-1)*Column+i] == nil theng = g..""
elseg = g..""
end endg = g.."" NumStr = NumStr + 1 J = J + 1 end g = g.."
"..NumStr.." | "..args[(J-1)*Column+i].." |
return g
-- ********************************************************** function p.AutoNumSort(frame)
local args = frame:getParent().args local Column = tonumber(args['Ustunlar'] or "0") if Column == 0 then return "Ustunlar sonini aniqlash mumkin emas" end local TempSort = (args['Tartiblash'] or "0") local SortColumn = tonumber(string.match(TempSort, "%d*")) or 0 if SortColumn > Column then SortColumn = 0 end local SortAsNumber = string.match(TempSort, "#") ~= nil local SortDescend if SortAsNumber then SortDescend = string.find(TempSort, "<") == nil else SortDescend = string.find(TempSort, ">") ~= nil end
local Strings={} local NumCell = 0
while args[NumCell + 1] ~= nil or NumCell%Column ~= 0 do NumCell = NumCell + 1 if (args[NumCell] == nil) then args[NumCell]="" end -- NumCell%Column==0 значит строка сформирована if NumCell%Column == 0 then local TempString = {NumCell-Column+1} if SortAsNumber then KeyCell=args[TempString[1]+SortColumn-1]
KeyCell=mw.ustring.gsub(KeyCell, "<span[^<]+","") KeyCell=mw.ustring.gsub(KeyCell, ",",".") KeyCell=mw.ustring.gsub(KeyCell, " ","") KeyCell=mw.ustring.gsub(KeyCell, " ","") KeyCell=mw.ustring.gsub(KeyCell, "%s","") KeyCell=mw.ustring.match(KeyCell, "^%D*(%d+%.?%d*)") or "" TempString.Key=tonumber(KeyCell)
elseif SortColumn > 1 then
TempString.Key = (args[TempString[1]+SortColumn-1] or "")
-- Возможность сортировки по скрытому ключу
TempString.Key = mw.ustring.gsub(TempString.Key, '
local function SortString(a, b) if a.Group ~= b.Group then return a.Group < b.Group end if SortDescend then a, b = b, a end if SortAsNumber or (SortColumn < 2) then return a.Key < b.Key else local LenA = mw.ustring.len(a.Key) local LenB = mw.ustring.len(b.Key) for i = 1, (LenA < LenB) and LenA or LenB do if mw.ustring.codepoint(a.Key, i, i) ~= mw.ustring.codepoint(b.Key, i, i) then return mw.ustring.codepoint(a.Key, i, i) < mw.ustring.codepoint(b.Key, i, i) end end return LenA < LenB end end
-- Guruhlar va kalt boʻyicha ajratish
table.sort(Strings, SortString)
-- HTML-jadvalini tuzish
local HTML = mw.html.create('table')
HTML:attr('class', (args['Koʻrinish'] or "standard"))
-- Nomlanishi
if args['Nomi'] then
TempCaption=HTML:tag('th') :wikitext(args['Nomi']) :attr('colspan', Column)
-- Mavzular yoʻli
local TempRow TempRow = HTML:tag('tr') TempRow:tag('th') :css('width', (args['Eni1'] or "")) :wikitext(args['Mavzu1'] or "№") for i = 2, Column do TempColumn=TempRow:tag('th') TempColumn:css('width', (args["Eni"..i] or "")) TempColumn:wikitext(args["Mavzu"..i] or " Mavzu"..i)
if args["Сортировка"..i]=="sortlashsiz" then TempColumn:addClass('unsortable') elseif args["Сортировка"..i]=="hafta kuni" then TempColumn:attr('data-sort-type', 'number') elseif args["Сортировка"..i]=="kuni" then TempColumn:attr('data-sort-type', 'date') end end
-- Manbalarni berish yoʻllari
local HideNum = 0
local NumStr = tonumber (args['Старт'] or "1") - 1
local Backlight = (args['Подсветка'] or "class='bright'"):gsub("\"", "'")
for Index, TempString in pairs(Strings) do
TempRow = HTML:tag('tr') local first = args[TempString[1]]
-- Yoʻllar stili
if string.find(first, "%$") ~= nil then TempRow:attr('class', 'shadow') elseif string.find(first, "%%") ~= nil then TempRow:attr('class', 'bright') elseif string.find(first, "@") ~= nil then TempRow:attr('class', 'dark') elseif string.find(first, "%+") ~= nil then for Part in string.gmatch(Backlight, "[%w]*=%s*'[^']*'") do TempRow:attr(string.match(Part, "([^=]*)="), string.match(Part, "'([^']*)'")) end end if string.find(first, "!") ~= nil then TempRow:attr('style', 'font-weight:bold') end
-- Yoʻl raqamini chiqarish
if string.find(first, "-") ~= nil then HideNum = HideNum + 0.000001 TempRow:tag('td') :tag('span') :attr('style', 'display: none; speak: none;') :wikitext( tonumber(NumStr + HideNum)) else NumStr = NumStr + 1 TempRow:tag('td') :attr('align', (args['Toʻgʻirlash1'] or "center") ) :wikitext(tonumber(NumStr)) end
-- Вывод ячеек строки for i = 2, Column do
TempTd=TempRow:tag('td') KeyCell=""
if args["Сортировка"..i]=="hafta kuni" then KeyCell=mw.ustring.gsub(args[TempString[1]+i-1], ",",".") KeyCell=mw.ustring.gsub(KeyCell, " ","") KeyCell=mw.ustring.gsub(KeyCell, "<span[^<]+","") KeyCell=mw.ustring.gsub(KeyCell, "%s","") KeyCell=mw.ustring.match(KeyCell, "^%D*(%d+%.?%d*)") or "" TempTd:attr('data-sort-value', KeyCell) end
TempTd:wikitext(args[TempString[1]+i-1]) TempTd:attr('align', args["Toʻgʻirlash"..i] or "left")
end return tostring(HTML)
return p