Anouk Aimée
Nicole Françoise Florence Dreyfus[2] (1932-yil 27-aprelda tugʻilgan), professional sifatida Anouk Aimée (fransuzcha talaffuzi: [an'uk ɛm'e]) yoki Anouk — fransuz kino aktrisasi, u 1947-yildan beri 70 ta filmda rol oʻynagan, oʻzining kino karerasini 14 yoshida boshlagan. Yoshlik yillarida u oddiy taʼlimdan tashqari aktyorlik va raqsni ham oʻrgangan.
Anouk Aimée | |
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Tavalludi |
Nicole Françoise Florence Dreyfus 27-aprel 1932-yil Parij, Fransiya |
Vafoti | 18-iyun 2024[1] |
Fuqaroligi | Fransiya |
Faoliyat yillari | 1947-yildan |
Turmush oʻrtogʻi |
Edouard Zimmermann (turm. 1949; ajr. 1950) Nikos Papatakis (turm. 1951; ajr. 1954) Pierre Barouh (turm. 1966; ajr. 1969) Albert Finney (turm. 1970; ajr. 1978) |
Bolalari | 1 |
Onasi | Geneviève Sorya |
Yoshlik yillari
tahrirAimée Parijda aktyor Genri Myurrey (1907-1984) [3] va aktrisa Jenevye Sorya (1912-2008) oilasida tugʻilgan. Bir tarixchining soʻzlariga koʻra, baʼzilar uning kelib chiqishi kapitan Alfred Dreyfus bilan bogʻliq boʻlishi mumkin deb taxmin qilishsa ham, bu hech qachon tasdiqlanmagan[3]. Uning otasi yahudiy, onasi esa katolik edi. U katolik boʻlib tarbiyalangan, lekin keyinchalik yahudiylikni qabul qilgan[3].
tahrirAimee (oʻsha paytda hali ham Fransuaza Dreyfus) oʻn toʻrt yoshida " La Maison sous la mer " (1946) filmidagi Anouk rolida oʻzining filmdagi rolini ijro etdi. Keyinchalik Anouk nomini saqlab qoldi. Jak Prevert o‘zi uchun maxsus " Les amants de Vérone „ (“Veronani sevuvchilar", 1949) asarini yozar ekan, unga ramziy Aimee familiyasini olishni taklif qildi[3]. Fransuz tilida bu „sevimli“ degan maʼnoni anglatadi[4][5].
Kino tarixchisi Yurgen Myuller: „Film kimgadir yoqadimi yoki yoʻqmi, Anouk Aimeening gʻamgin aurasiga qarshi turish hammaga qiyin“[6]. Oʻzining keyingi koʻplab filmlarida u „hissiyotlari koʻpincha sir saqlanadigan sezgir ayol“ rolini oʻynashda davom etadi[7].
2013-yil oxirida Kanadaning Monreal shahrida boʻlib oʻtgan Cinemania kinofestivalida Eymening karerasiga hurmat bajo keltirildi[8].
Shaxsiy hayoti
tahrirAimée toʻrt marta turmush qurgan va ajrashgan: Eduard Zimmermann (1949-1950), rejissyor Niko Papatakis (1951-1954), aktyor va musiqiy prodyuser Per Baru (1966-1969) va aktyor Albert Finni (1970-1978). Uning ikkinchi turmushidan bir farzandi bor, Manuela Papatakis (1951-yilda tugʻilgan).
Tanlangan filmografiya
tahrirYillar | Sarlavha | Rol | Direktor |
1947 | La Maison sous la mer | Anouk | Henri Calef |
1949 | Les amants de Vérone („The Lovers Of Verona“) | Georgia (a modern Juliet) | André Cayatte |
1950 | Golden Salamander | Anna | Ronald Neame |
1952 | La Bergère et le ramoneur (animation film) | Voice (the female shepherd) | Paul Grimault |
Le Rideau cramoisi | Albertine | Alexandre Astruc | |
1955 | Contraband Spain | Elena Vargas | Lawrence Huntington |
Les Mauvaises rencontres („Bad Liaisons“) | Catherine Racan | Alexandre Astruc | |
1956 | Ich suche Dich | Francoise Maurer | O. W. Fischer |
Nina | Nina Iwanowa | Rudolf Jugert | |
1957 | Pot-Bouille | Marie | Julien Duvivier |
Anyone Can Kill Me | Isabelle | Henri Decoin | |
1958 | Les Amants de Montparnasse (Montparnasse 19) | Jeanne Hébuterne | Jacques Becker |
1959 | The Journey | Eva | Anatole Litvak |
La tête contre les murs | Stéphanie | Georges Franju | |
Les Dragueurs | Jeanne | Jean-Pierre Mocky | |
1960 | La Dolce Vita | Maddalena | Federico Fellini |
The Joker | Hélène Laroche | Philippe de Broca | |
1961 | Il giudizio universale („The Last Judgement“) | Irene | Vittorio De Sica |
Lola | Lola | Jacques Demy | |
1962 | Sodom and Gomorrah | Queen Bera | Robert Aldrich |
Il giorno più corto („The shortest Day“) | cameo appearance | Sergio Corbucci | |
1963 | Felliniʼs 8½ | Luisa Anselmi | Federico Fellini |
1964 | Le voci bianche („White Voices“) | Lorenza | Pasquale Festa Campanile |
La fuga („The Escape“) | Luisa | Paolo Spinola | |
1965 | The Dreamer | Valeria | Massimo Franciosa |
1966 | Un homme et une femme („A Man and a Woman“) | Anne Gauthier | Claude Lelouch |
1968 | Un soir, un train (One Night… A Train) | Anne | André Delvaux |
1969 | Model Shop | Lola | Jacques Demy |
The Appointment | Carla | Sidney Lumet | |
Justine | Justine | George Cukor | |
1976 | Si cʼétait à refaire („If I Had to Do It All Over Again“) | Sarah Gordon | Claude Lelouch |
1978 | Mon premier amour | Jane Romain (the mother) | Elie Chouraqui |
1979 | (Salto nel vuoto) („A Leap in the Dark“) | Marta Ponticelli | Marco Bellocchio |
1981 | La Tragedia di un uomo ridicolo („Tragedy of a Ridiculous Man“) | Barbara Spaggiari | Bernardo Bertolucci |
1983 | Il generale dellʼarmata morte („The General of the Dead Army“) | Countess Betsy Mirafiore | Luciano Tovoli |
Viva la vie | Anouk | Claude Lelouch | |
1984 | Success Is the Best Revenge | Monique | Jerzy Skolimowski |
1986 | Un Homme et une femme<span typeof="mw:DisplaySpace" id="mwAiY"> </span>: vingt ans déjà („A Man and a Woman: 20 Years Later“) | Anne Gauthier | Claude Lelouch |
1990 | Bethune: The Making of a Hero | Marie-France Coudaire | Phillip Borsos |
Il y a des jours… et des lunes | as herself | Claude Lelouch | |
1994 | Les Cent et une nuits („A Hundred and One Nights“) | Anouk | Agnès Varda |
Prêt-à-Porter | Simone Lowenthal | Robert Altman | |
1996 | Hommes, femmes<span typeof="mw:DisplaySpace" id="mwAkw"> </span>: mode d’emploi | the widow | Claude Lelouch |
1998 | L. A. Without a Map | as herself | Mika Kaurismäki |
1999 | Une pour toutes („One 4 All“) | the musicianʼs wife | Claude Lelouch |
2001 | Festival in Cannes | Millie Marquand | Henry Jaglom |
2002 | Napoléon | Letizia Bonaparte | Yves Simoneau |
2003 | Ils se marièrent et eurent beaucoup dʼenfants („Happily Ever After“) | Vincentʼs mother | Yvan Attal |
2003 | La Petite prairie aux bouleaux | Myriam | Marceline Loridan-Ivens |
2010 | Paris Connections | Agnès | Harley Cokeliss |
2011 | Tous les soleils | Agathe | Philippe Claudel |
2012 | Mince alors! | mother | Charlotte de Turckheim |
2019 | The Best Years of a Life | Anne Gauthier | Claude Lelouch |
tahrir- ↑ (unspecified title)
- ↑ „Anouk Aimée“ (fr). L'encinémathèque. 2014-yil 9-avgustda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2014-yil 9-avgust.
- ↑ 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 Flitterman-Lewis, Sandy. „Anouk Aimée“, Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia
- ↑ Durham, Michael. „Aimée—It Means 'To Be Lovedʼ“, Life Magazine, 19 May 1967 pp. 85-86.
- ↑ „Aimee - Name Meaning, What does Aimee mean?“. 2022-yil 28-noyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2022-yil 28-noyabr.
- ↑ Müller, Jürgen. Movies of the 60s, Taschen (2004) cover
- ↑ Unterburger, Amy L. (ed.) Actors and Actresses, International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers (3rd edition), St James Press (1997), pp. 9-11
- ↑ „Anouk Aimée: A charmed cinematic life“ (Wayback Machine saytida 2013-11-09 sanasida arxivlangan), The Gazette (Montreal), 8 November 2013.