The state flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan is a rectangular panel of three horizontal stripes of rich blue, white and rich green colors along the entire length of the flag.
The length of the State Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan is 250 cm, width - 125 cm. The blue, white and green stripes are equal in width. The width of each strip is 40 cm. Along the edges of the white strip, located in the middle of the State Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan, there are red borders 2.5 cm wide each.
On the upper blue part of the State Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the obverse and reverse sides, at the pole, there is a white crescent and 12 white five-pointed stars next to it.
A white crescent and twelve white five-pointed stars fit into a 75 x 30 cm rectangle along the horizontal axis of the upper blue stripe.
The white crescent is located vertically with its ends from the shaft and fits into a circle with a diameter of 30 cm at a distance of 20 cm from the shaft.
Twelve white five-pointed stars fit into a circle 6 cm in diameter. The distance between the circles is 6 cm. The stars are arranged vertically and horizontally in the following order: three stars in the upper row, four in the middle and five in the bottom. The lower row of stars is located at a distance of 3.5 cm from the lower edge of the crescent.
— English translation of Article 4, Law No. 407-XII
The law does not specify the radius, diameter, or centre point of the inner arc of the crescent. The official diagram that accompanies the legal text appears to have been drawn with an inner arc radius that is equal to the outer arc radius, but it is not explicitly labeled as such.
This Wikimedia construction sheet has been created with the assumption that the outer and inner arc radii are both equal. With that assumption in place; the location of the centre point of the inner arc has been calculated and marked.
For the purpose of these notes, a unit corresponds to the units used in this construction sheet. One unit is 1⁄125 the width of the flag or 1⁄250 the length of the flag.
miscellaneous stuff
Given the specifications prescribed by the law, the minimal possible radius of the inner arc is roughly 14.790199 units, but as stated above we are assuming the inner arc radius to be equal to the outer arc radius (15 units).
The outer arc of the crescent has an outer arc angle of about 199.188136° (measured tip to tip). Flag makers often break the specifications and create crescents with an angle of closer to 270°. To to this, something has to give; usually the gap between the stars is changed or the crescent and stars consume a total width that is more than the 75 cm (units) prescribed in the law.
An old hand drawn government construction sheet can still be viewed online; it is not without issues and it may be part of the reason why the specifications are not adhered to. Measurements from the old construction sheet show a vertical gap between the stars of about 6 units and a horizontal gap of about 4 units. The vertical gap is labeled as "6", but the horizontal gap is not labeled at all. The law says that both vertical and horizontal gaps are supposed to be 6 units. By reducing the horizontal gap from 6 to 4, the space left over for the crescent on the left side of the 75x30 rectangle was increased by 8 units. This increased the overall width of the crescent which in turn increased the angle of the outer arc to about 270°. The larger arc angle allowed for a smaller inner arc arc radius... indeed, the drawing has an unlabeled inner arc radius of roughly 26 units.
The 2012 Olympic Flags and Anthems Manual shows a outer arc angle of about 260° and a very small inner arc radius of about 23 units. Unintentionally or not, it gives the look of a partial solar eclipse instead of a new moon.
Somebody documented the problems with the old government construction sheet on Reddit.
The newer government construction sheet that accompanies law 407-XII is drawn properly to scale and it appears to clarify all the major issues present in the old construction sheet.
but questions linger
Which came first... the law or the original construction sheet?
Is it possible that the designer wanted an outer arc of 260° or 270° but failed to create a drawing that could properly be deciphered by a legal team?
8-modda. Mualliflik huquqi obyektlari hisoblanmaydigan materiallar
Quyidagilar mualliflik huquqi obyektlari bo‘lmaydi:
rasmiy hujjatlar (qonunlar, qarorlar, to‘xtamlar va shu kabilar), shuningdek ularning rasmiy tarjimalari;
rasmiy ramzlar va belgilar (bayroqlar, gerblar, ordenlar, pul belgilari va shu kabilar);
xalq ijodiyoti asarlari;
oddiy matbuot axboroti tusidagi kundalik yangiliklarga doir yoki joriy voqealar haqidagi xabarlar;
insonning bevosita individual asar yaratishga qaratilgan ijodiy faoliyati amalga oshirilmasdan, muayyan turdagi ishlab chiqarish uchun mo‘ljallangan texnika vositalari yordamida olingan natijalar.
Izoh: davlatlararo va xalqaro kelishuvlarga muvofiq O'zbekiston O'zbekiston SSRning huquqiy vorisi hisoblanadi, shuning uchun ushbu litsenziya belgisi o'zbek SSRning rasmiy ramzlari va rasmiy hujjatlariga ham tegishli. Ogohlantirish: ushbu litsenziya belgisi tavsiya etilgan rasmiy ramzlarga va mualliflik huquqi bilan himoyalangan bo'lishi mumkin bo'lgan rasmiy hujjatlarning loyihalariga tatbiq etilmaydi.
This image shows a flag, a coat of arms, a seal or some other official insignia. The use of such symbols is restricted in many countries. These restrictions are independent of the copyright status.