Keizo_Obuchi_19980730.jpg (318 × 410 piksel, fayl hajmi: 47 KB, MIME tipi: image/jpeg)

Ushbu fayl Vikiomborga yuklangan boʻlib, boshqa loyihalarda ham qoʻllanilishi mumkin. Uning tavsif sahifasidan olingan maʼlumot quyida keltirilgan.

Qisqa izoh

Taʼrif Keizō Obuchi was inaugurated as Prime Minister on July 30, 1998.
Sanasi Unknown date
Manba 歴代内閣ホームページ情報:小渕恵三 内閣総理大臣(第84代)
Muallif 内閣官房内閣広報室
(Bu faylning takror foydalanilishi)
Government of Japan This work is licensed under the Government of Japan Standard Terms of Use (Ver.2.0). The Terms of Use are compatible with the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International. For the terms of use of this work, see this license page.

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w:en:Creative Commons
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Siz erkinsiz:
  • ulashishga – ishlanmani nusxalash, tarqatish va uzatish
  • remiks qilishga – ishni moslashtirishga
Quyidagi shartlar asosida:
  • atribut – Siz tegishli litsenziyaga havolani taqdim etishingiz va oʻzgartirishlar kiritilganligini koʻrsatishingiz kerak. Siz buni har qanday oqilona yoʻl bilan qilishingiz mumkin, lekin litsenziar Sizni yoki Sizning foydalanishingizni ma'qullashini taklif qiladigan tarzda emas.
This file, which was originally posted to 歴代内閣ホームページ情報:小渕恵三 内閣総理大臣(第84代), was reviewed on 9 March 2019 by reviewer Leoboudv, who confirmed that it was available there under the stated license on that date.
Personality rights Although this work is freely licensed or in the public domain, the person(s) shown may have rights that legally restrict certain re-uses unless those depicted consent to such uses. In these cases, a model release or other evidence of consent could protect you from infringement claims. Though not obliged to do so, the uploader may be able to help you to obtain such evidence. See our general disclaimer for more information.
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tasvirlangan obyekt

Keizō Obuchi inglizcha


Fayl tarixi

Faylning biror paytdagi holatini koʻrish uchun tegishli sana/vaqtga bosingiz.

joriy03:14, 2022-yil 13-yanvar03:14, 2022-yil 13-yanvar dagi versiya uchun tasvir318 × 410 (47 KB)FMSkyReverted to version as of 17:48, 9 March 2019 (UTC) rv unnatural upscale
12:12, 2020-yil 22-avgust12:12, 2020-yil 22-avgust dagi versiya uchun tasvir866 × 1 116 (79 KB)Lee Gok DaFix and better quality version
08:36, 2020-yil 6-iyun08:36, 2020-yil 6-iyun dagi versiya uchun tasvir636 × 820 (83 KB)Lee Gok DaBetter quality version
18:08, 2020-yil 27-aprel18:08, 2020-yil 27-aprel dagi versiya uchun tasvir1 356 × 1 766 (184 KB)MattbuckReverted to version as of 03:54, 2 April 2020 (UTC)
14:45, 2020-yil 23-aprel14:45, 2020-yil 23-aprel dagi versiya uchun tasvir1 262 × 1 636 (891 KB)通りすがりの猛者high resolution
03:54, 2020-yil 2-aprel03:54, 2020-yil 2-aprel dagi versiya uchun tasvir1 356 × 1 766 (184 KB)Lee Gok DaBetter
10:53, 2020-yil 19-mart10:53, 2020-yil 19-mart dagi versiya uchun tasvir368 × 499 (41 KB)Lee Gok DaCropped same the original, better
10:52, 2020-yil 19-mart10:52, 2020-yil 19-mart dagi versiya uchun tasvir368 × 526 (37 KB)Lee Gok DaFull and better
17:48, 2019-yil 9-mart17:48, 2019-yil 9-mart dagi versiya uchun tasvir318 × 410 (47 KB)Scanyaro{{Information |Description=Keizō Obuchi was inaugurated as Prime Minister on July 30, 1998. |Source=[ 歴代内閣ホームページ情報:小渕恵三 内閣総理大臣(第84代)] |Date={{Unknown|date}} |Author=内閣官房内閣広報室 |Permission={{Gjstu-2.0|terms=|attr=首相官邸ホームページ}}{{LicenseReview}}{{Personality rights}} |other_versions={{Image extracted |Keizo Obuchi cropped 1 Keizo Obuchi 19980730.jpg |Kei...

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