Turkestan red pika | ||||
Biologik klassifikatsiya | ||||
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![]() Turkestan red pika range
Turkiston qizil pikasi (Ochotona rutila) — bu Ochotonalar oilasiga mansub sut emizuvchi jonivor. Uning yozgi mo‘ynasi qizg‘ish-jigarrang, qorni esa oq yoki och tusga ega bo‘ladi. Qishda esa uning mo‘ynasi och jigarrang va qorni esa oq yoki och rangda bo‘ladi. Turkiston qizil pikasi Xitoyning g‘arbiy Shinjon viloyati tog‘larida va Markaziy Osiyo tog‘larida, jumladan O‘zbekiston, Qozog‘iston, Qirg‘iziston, va Tojikistonda uchraydi. Turkiston qizil pikasining urg‘ochisi kam bolalaydi va faqatgina bahordan yozgacha bo‘lgan ko‘payish mavsumida nasl beradi. U har yili ikkita nasl beradi, har bir naslda ikkidan oltitagacha farzand ko'radi. Xalqaro Tabiatni Muhofaza Qilish Ittifoqi (IUCN) tomonidan "kam xavf ostidagi" tur sifatida baholangan bo‘lsa-da, Xitoyda uni "tahdid ostidagi" tur sifatida ro'yxatga olingan.
tahrirTurkiston qizil pikasi Ochotonalar oilasidagi 30 ta tan olingan sut emizuvchi turdan biridir[2][lower-alpha 1]. Uni birinchi bo‘lib 1873-yilda rus tabiatshunosi Nikolay Alekseevich Severtsev tasvirlagan[3]. 1951-yilda Ellerman va Morrison-Scott Xitoy qizil pikasi (Ochotona erythrotis) va Glover pikasi (Ochotona gloveri)ni Turkiston qizil pikasining kenja turlari deb ta'riflagan. Biroq keyinchalik bir qancha olimlar (1964-yilda Gureev, 1982-yilda Weston va 1985-yilda Feng, va Zheng) ularni rang, geografik tarqalishi va bosh suyak morfologiyasi asosida alohida tur sifatida ajratgan. Bugungi kunda bu hayvonning hech qanday tan olingan kenja turi yo‘q[3][4][1]. Sut emizuvchilar bo‘yicha mutahasislar Robert S. Hoffmann va Andrew T. Smith "Dunyo sut emizuvchilarining turlari" kitobining 2005-yilda chop etilgan uchinchi nashrida Turkiston qizil pikasini alohida tur sifatida qayd etgan[3].
Tashqi ko‘rinishi
tahrirTurkiston qizil pikasining uzunligi 19,6 dan 23 sm gacha bo‘ladi. Uning 9,5 dan 11 sm gacha qismini dumi tashkil qiladi. Og‘irligi 220 dan 320 gacha yetadi[5]. Bosh suyagi katta bo‘lib, uning uzunligi 4,6 dan 5,3 sm orasida va ozgina qavariq shaklda bo'ladi. Bosh suyagining ko‘zlar orasidagi qismi keng va tekis[5][4]. Peshona suyaklarining ustida alveolus (suyakdagi boʻsh boʻshliq) yo‘q. Burun bo‘shliqlarining old qismi ancha shishgan bo‘ladi. Quloqlari 2,7 dan 2,9 sm gacha uzunlikka ega bo‘lib, ustki qismi kulrang qora rangga ega. Yozda qulog'ining ustki qismi yorqin qizg‘ish bo‘lib, bo‘yin ortida oq nuqtalar ko‘rinib turadi. Ba’zan bu nuqtalar keng, och sariq rangli halqa hosil qiladi[5]. Tanasi yon tomondan oq-sarg‘ish tusda[4]. Turkiston qizil pikasining pastki qismi oq yoki sarg‘ish rangda bo'ladi. Ammo uning ko‘kragida zang qizil rangda chiziq bor. Qishda esa ustki qismi och jigarrangga, pastki qismi oq yoki och sariq rangga o'zgaradi. Orqa oyoq uzunligi 3,6 dan 3,9 sm gacha yetadi[5].
Boshqa pikalardan farqli ravishda, Turkiston qizil pikasi tinch turga kiradi va "jim pika" deb ham tanilgan. U xavf tug‘ilganda ovoz chiqarmaydi va qo‘ng‘iroq qilish kabi tovushlar yo‘q. Xavf paytida esa toshlar orasiga yashirinadi va titrayotgan ovoz chiqaradi. Bu tovush shimoliy pika (Ochotona hyperborea) va alp pikasining ikki kenja turi — O. a. cinereofusca va O. a. scorodumovi tovushiga o‘xshashdir. Shu tovush orqali bir xil turdagi pikalarga xavf haqida signal yuboriladi.
In contrast with most other pikas, the Turkestan red pika is a quiet species, and is also commonly known as the "silent" pika. It has no alarm calls and no song vocalizations. In alarm conditions, it takes cover under rocks and emits a chattering call which is similar to that of the northern pika (Ochotona hyperborea) and two subspecies of the alpine pika, O. a. cinereofusca, and O. a. scorodumovi. Individuals belonging to the same species are alerted by this signal.[4]
Fe'l-atvori va ekologiyasi
tahrirThe region of Turkestan is present in central Asia between the Gobi Desert and the Caspian Sea, and comprises Xinjiang, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.[6] The Turkestan red pika is found in the mountains in western Xinjiang in China,[5] and sporadically in the central Asian mountains such as the Pamir Mountains in Tajikistan, and the Tien Shan Mountains in southeastern Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and southeastern Kazakhstan.[1] It is also probably found in northern Afghanistan.[4] It is considered to be commonly found in the Iskanderkul Lake area of Tajikistan, and the Great Alma-Ata Lake area in Kazakhstan.[1] Its range is allopatric with that of the Chinese red pika.[4]
It is a rock-dwelling pika which usually inhabits talus deposits (collection of broken rock pieces at the base of cliffs, volcanoes, or valley shoulders, accumulated due to periodic rockfall from adjacent cliff faces) and takes shelter in large boulders.[1][5] It is typically found at moderate elevations of less than 3,000 metr (9,800 ft) from sea level,[5] despite the availability of the talus environment.[4]
Tarqalishi va yashash joylari
tahrirThe Turkestan red pika is a diurnal species, and is more active at dusk than at dawn.[1] It lives in families consisting of the adult male, adult female and, during the reproductive season, their young. The population levels tend to remain constant each year. It has a low population density of 12 to 20 individuals, or 3 to 3.5 families, per hectare. Adjacent family territory centres are generally separated by 50 to 100 m (160 to 330 ft), but can be as close as 20 to 30 m (66 to 98 ft).[4] Like other pika species, it is a generalist herbivore, and stores vegetation in the form of hayplies (piles of grass, legumes, or other herbaceous plants that serve as animal fodder).[5] However, unlike most other pikas, it does not feed in open meadows, but in an area of within 2 metr (6 ft 7 in) from the talus-vegetation edge. They have wide home ranges and can find sufficient food, as the vegetation on the talus is widely dispersed.[4]
The female has a low fertility rate, and generally produces two litters each year, with two to six (averaging 4.2) young, during the breeding season from spring to summer.[4] The offspring are not reproductively active in their birth summer.[5] Throughout much of the summer after their birth, the young live with their parents and forage on vegetation stored by them. During the following winter most juveniles live with their parents. The adult male and the female are rarely seen together during autumn, even though they have a mutual home range.[4]
The stoat (Mustela erminea) is a major predator, and 19% of its feces were found to contain furs of the Turkestan red pika.[4]
Status va muhofaza qilish
tahrirSince 1996, the Turkestan red pika is rated as a species of least concern on the IUCN Red List of Endangered Species. This is because although it has a patchy distribution, it is a widespread species in suitable habitat. It also has a stable population trend. There are no known major threats to the species, although low population density and low fertility rates are possible reasons for concern. At one time it used to be trapped for its fur, but that practice has now stopped.[1] It is considered a near threatened species by the Chinese authorities in its distribution in that country.[1]
tahrir- ↑ The other 29 species of pika are alpine pika (Ochotona alpina), silver pika (Ochotona argentata), collared pika (Ochotona collaris), Hoffmann's pika (Ochotona hoffmanni), northern pika (Ochotona hyperborea), Pallas's pika (Ochotona pallasi), American pika (Ochotona princeps), Turuchan pika (Ochotona turuchanensis), Gansu pika (Ochotona cansus), plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae), Daurian pika (Ochotona dauurica), Tsing-ling pika (Ochotona huangensis), Nubra pika (Ochotona nubrica), steppe pika (Ochotona pusilla), Afghan pika (Ochotona rufescens), Moupin pika (Ochotona thibetana), Thomas's pika (Ochotona thomasi), Chinese red pika (Ochotona erythrotis), Forrest's pika (Ochotona forresti), Gaoligong pika (Ochotona gaoligongensis), Glover's pika (Ochotona gloveri), Himalayan pika (Ochotona himalayana), Ili pika (Ochotona iliensis), Koslov's pika (Ochotona koslowi), Ladak pika (Ochotona ladacensis), large-eared pika (Ochotona macrotis), Muli pika (Ochotona muliensis), black pika (Ochotona nigritia), and Royle's pika (Ochotona roylei).[2]
tahrir- ↑ 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 Smith, A.T.; Lissovsky, A. (2016). "Ochotona rutila". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T41270A45184897. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T41270A45184897.en. Qaraldi: 14 November 2021.Foydalanuvchi Furqatlik/qumloq]]
- ↑ 2,0 2,1 Alves, P.C.; Ferrand, N.; Hackländer, K.. Lagomorph Biology: Evolution, Ecology, and Conservation. Springer Science & Business Media, 2007 — 1, 396–398-bet. ISBN 978-354-072446-9.
- ↑ 3,0 3,1 3,2 Andoza:MSW3 Lagomorpha
- ↑ 4,00 4,01 4,02 4,03 4,04 4,05 4,06 4,07 4,08 4,09 4,10 4,11 Chapman, J.A.; Flux, J.E.C.. Rabbits, Hares and Pikas: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan. IUCN, 1990 — 50-bet. ISBN 978-283-170019-9.
- ↑ 5,0 5,1 5,2 5,3 5,4 5,5 5,6 5,7 5,8 Smith, A.T.; Xie, Y.; Hoffmann, R.S.; Lunde, D.; MacKinnon, J.. A Guide to the Mammals of China. Princeton University Press, 2010 — 286-bet. ISBN 978-140-083411-2.
- ↑ „Turkestan | Definition of Turkestan in English by Oxford Dictionaries“. Oxford Dictionaries | English (2017). 2017-yil 26-oktyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2017-yil 28-oktyabr.
Tashqi havolalar
tahrir- Photographs of Turkestan red pika – Animal.Photos