uz.wikipedia images


I am from the English Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons. I noticed a lot of files here have copies on the Commons. I was wondering if I can replace and eventually delete. My goal is to work on images here and make sure not only they have a copyright but also are used. Zscout370 (talk) 22:27, 19 may 2012 (UTC)

I also think you might be interested in Foydalanuvchi:Zscout370/nolicense. These images have no license and source (it does not have any text in the description at all). I am not sure what you do with them. Zscout370 (talk) 08:19, 28 may 2012 (UTC)
The only question is do I just delete and leave red links or what do you want me to do? Zscout370 (talk) 08:08, 28 iyun 2012 (UTC)
This is for the NoLicensed images. Zscout370 (talk) 08:23, 28 iyun 2012 (UTC)

Nima bo'ldi


Vikipediya logotipi ustida MAN ETILGAN degan yozuv paydo bo'lib qolibdi. Yoki faqat mendami? -- Sociologist munozara 15:52, 9 iyun 2012 (UTC)

Maksimalizmim tutib, logoni oʻzgartirgandim. Hozir qaytadan normal variantini qoʻydim. Abdullamunozara 06:22, 11 iyun 2012 (UTC)
Xozir ham viki Oʼzbekistonda toʼsiqmi? --Sociologist munozara 15:33, 11 iyun 2012 (UTC)
Ha, hali ham toʻsilgan. Abdullamunozara 04:52, 12 iyun 2012 (UTC)


Katta rahmat! :-) --Jewbask (talk) 16:10, 15 iyun 2012 (UTC)



Öncelikle, mesajınız için teşekkür ederim. Ben sizin Özbekçe yazılmış mesajınızı anladım, ümit ediyorum ki siz de bu mesajımı rahatlıkla anlarsınız. Kelimelerin Özbekçe okunuşları Türkçe'ye benzese de yazılışta bazı farklılıklar olması sebebiyle kaliteli katkılar yapmam pek mümkün gözükmüyor ama yardımcı olabilmek beni de memnun edecektir. Nazif İLBEK (talk) 18:10, 15 iyun 2012 (UTC)

Nomlar fazosi


Loyiha sahifasi fazosini Vikipediya deb qayta nomlashga nima deysiz? Biror joyda muhokama qilamizmi yoki hojati yo'qmi? Shuningdek Portal va Loyiha fazolarini ochish haqida ham o'ylab ko'rish kerak. -- Sociologist munozara 04:01, 16 iyun 2012 (UTC)

Inglizcha Vikipediyada Vikipediya: va Vikipediya:VikiLoyiha sahifalari bitta nomfazoda joylashgan. Portal nomfazosini ochish taklifi maʼqul, bugzillada soʻrash kerak. Abdullamunozara 04:18, 16 iyun 2012 (UTC)
Bugzilla haqida: men bu borada hech narsani tushunmayman; vaqtingiz bo'lsa o'ziz qilarsiz. --Sociologist munozara 04:35, 16 iyun 2012 (UTC)
Ha keyin, bizda shortcutlar (masalan, VP:DARS, VP:MT) Maqolalar fazosida ekan, bu to'g'rimi? --Sociologist munozara 04:24, 16 iyun 2012 (UTC)

Pardon me


Could you help me translate a bit of my user page? Specifically, I'd like to replace "this page", with the equivalent Uzbek expression. Thanks. Urhixidur (talk) 13:53, 17 iyun 2012 (UTC)


A beer from Europe for you! Salute!

Thank you for your welcome message, but I can't read Uzbek language. If you need some help to translate in Italian (from English or French) just ask me in my Italian Wikipedia user page. Ah, please if you have the time write the articles of the beers you have in Uzbekistan in the English Wikipedia, then notice me so I can translate them in Italian! ;-) Bye! --Phyrexian ɸ 18:28, 20 iyun 2012 (UTC)

Abdulla aka men siz tuzgan andoza bo'yicha Qirg'iziston tuman, shahar, ovul va viloyatlarni kiritmoqchi edim ammo haritani kirgiza olmay qiynalmoqdaman shunga yordam bersangiz.Mirzoulug'bek (talk) 18:57, 1 iyul 2012 (UTC).

Can you make pages about en:The Rescuers or en:Charlotte's Web (1973 film)? 20:32, 4 iyul 2012 (UTC)



Hi Uzbekball :) I have responded to you at Foydalanuvchi_munozarasi:Russavia#Message. Cheers, Russavia (talk) 21:10, 17 iyul 2012 (UTC)

Salom. Sizning erdamingizni so'rayman. Rus Wikida Хамраев, Джавлон Раззакаевич va Хачатуров,_Альберт_Иосифович to'g'risida maqolalar yozilgan, lekin muallifi isimlarni o'zbek tiliga tarjima olmaydi va men o'zim bilgan darajada ishladim ( Javlon Hamrayev, Albert Hachaturov). Sizning yordamingiz yaxshi bo'lar edi. --Гропспонт (talk) 16:23, 22 iyul 2012 (UTC)

Greetings from Galicia!


Thank you for you early answer to my request. I´m an user of the galician wikipedia (we call it the Galipedia). Galician is a language spoken in northwestern Spain with the same roots than portuguese, in fact there were the same language in the Middle Age. Nowadays, two languages are spoken in Galicia: galician and spanish. We are boosting galician to get an equality with spanish, the dominant idiom. Anyway, if you want me to help your wiki with some topics related with Galicia or maths, just let me know.

By the way, I´ve noted another mistake with the name of the province where Pontedeume is, the wright name is A Coruña instead of La Coruña. Greetings! --Xosé Antonio (talk) 14:28, 31 iyul 2012 (UTC)

I know it takes some time the corrections. Excuse me for my obstination but, looking at your search of La Coruña, I´ve seen more spanish names of galician towns, probably due to take the spanish wikipedia like primary source. I´ve noted in the search the followings:
El Pino -> O Pino
Puebla del Caramiñal -> Póboa do Caramiñal
Rianjo -> Rianxo
La Baña -> A Baña
Lage -> Laxe
Irijoa -> Irixoa
Oza de los Ríos -> Oza dos Ríos
Villarmayor -> Vilarmaior
Arteijo -> Arteixo
Noya -> Noia
Puerto del Son -> Porto do Son
Tordoya -> Tordoia
Boqueijón -> Boqueixón
Valle del Dubra -> Val do Dubra
Mellid -> Melide
Somozas -> As Somozas
San Saturnino -> San Sadurniño
Mugía -> Muxía
Cabañas -> Cabanas

I´m sure you have more pages of galician places with the non official spanish names in the other three provinces: Lugo, Ourense (not Orense) and Pontevedra. In order to find out the right name, I recommend you take a look at the pages of these places in the galician wikipedia. If you want my help with that search just let me know. Excuse me for give you an extra job. This situation will be affordable if the spanish wikipedia accept our suggestions about the name of the pages in their wikipedia. Best wishes! --Xosé Antonio (talk) 21:43, 31 iyul 2012 (UTC)

OK! Let´s go with more towns in the Ourense province:
Junquera de Espadanedo -> Xunqueira de Espadanedo
Lovios -> Lobios
El Barco de Valdeorras -> O Barco de Valdeorras
Rúa -> A Rúa
Laroco -> Larouco
Villamartín de Valdeorras -> Vilamartín de Valdeorras
Rubiana -> Rubiá
Castrelo del Valle -> Castrelo do Val
Monterrey -> Monterrei
Oimbra -> Oímbra
Villardevós -> Vilardevós
La Gudiña -> A Gudiña
La Mezquita -> A Mezquita
Viana del Bollo -> Viana do Bolo
Villarino de Conso -> Vilariño de Conso
Carballino -> O Carballiño
San Cristóbal de Cea -> San Cristovo de Cea
Porquera -> Porqueira
Sandianes -> Sandiás
Villar de Barrio -> Vilar de Barrio
Villar de Santos -> Vilar de Santos
Ginzo de Limia -> Xinzo de Limia
I´ve checked the first 50 towns of the search. I will continue checking in another moment. See you! --Xosé Antonio (munozara) 10:34, 1 Avgust 2012 (UTC)
Ourense (part II):
La Peroja -> A Peroxa
San Ciprián de Viñas -> San Cibrao das Viñas
Arnoya -> A Arnoia
La Teijeira -> A Teixeira
La Bola -> A Bola
La Merca -> A Merca
Puentedeva -> Pontedeva
Ramiranes -> Ramirás
Chandreja de Queija -> Chandrexa de Queixa
Puebla de Trives -> Pobra de Trives
Lobera (Ourense) -> Lobeira
Riós (Ourense) ‎-> Riós
Blancos (Ourense) ‎-> Os Blancos
Villamarín (Ourense) ‎-> Vilamarín
Avión (Ourense) ‎-> Avión
Cortegada (Ourense) ‎-> Cortegada
Melón (Ourense) ‎-> Melón
Manzaneda (Ourense) ‎-> Manzaneda
San Juan del Río (Ourense) -> San Xoán de Río
On the first 50:
A Veiga (Ourense) -> A Veiga
I´d forgotten to supress the parenthesis in some pages. It´s no necessary except for pages with the same spelling, you know. So on the towns of A Coruña province, it might be:
Cerceda (A Coruña) -> Cerceda
Ares (A Coruña) -> Ares
A Baña (A Coruña) -> A Baña
Sada (A Coruña) -> Sada
Padrón (A Coruña) -> Padrón
Cariño (Municipio) -> Cariño

Well, two more provinces to finish. Spanish wikipedia is giving us an extra job. Brrr! --Xosé Antonio (munozara) 20:31, 1 Avgust 2012 (UTC)

  • Here you are more towns from Pontevedra province:
Correct spelling but with unnecessary parenthesis:
Marín, Barro, Ribadumia, Cerdedo, Valga, A Guarda, Pazos de Borbén
And these ones:
Creciente (Pontevedra) -> Crecente
Tuy (Pontevedra) -> Tui
Nieves (Pontevedra) -> As Neves
Oya (Pontevedra) -> Oia
La Lama -> A Lama
Bayona (Ispaniya) -> Baiona
La Cañiza -> A Cañiza
Villagarcía de Arosa -> Vilagarcía de Arousa
Golada -> A Golada
Salvatierra de Miño -> Salvaterra de Miño
Puentecesures -> Pontecesures
Sotomayor -> Soutomaior
El Rosal -> O Rosal
Forcarey -> Forcarei
La Estrada -> A Estrada
El Grove -> O Grove
Sangenjo -> Sanxenxo
Villa de Cruces -> Vila de Cruces
Caldas de Reyes -> Caldas de Reis
Villanueva de Arosa -> Vilanova de Arousa
Cangas de Morrazo -> Cangas do Morrazo

It´s only one province left: Lugo. Close to finish!! --Xosé Antonio (munozara) 19:05, 2 Avgust 2012 (UTC)

Don´t worry, I´ll finish soon! --Xosé Antonio (munozara) 10:28, 7 Avgust 2012 (UTC)

Let´s go with Lugo province:

Quiroga (Lugo) -> Quiroga
Vicedo -> O Vicedo
Vivero -> Viveiro
Barreiros (Ispaniya) -> Barreiros
Puente Nuevo -> A Pontenova
Alfoz (Lugo) -> Alfoz
Cervantes (Lugo) -> Cervantes
Piedrafita del Cebrero -> Pedrafita do Cebreiro
Portomarín (Lugo) -> Portomarín
Samos (Lugo) -> Samos
Castro de Rey -> Castro de Rei
Guitiriz (Lugo) -> Guitiriz
Villalba (Lugo) -> Vilalba
Germade -> Xermade
Bóveda (Lugo) -> Bóveda
Saviñao -> O Saviñao
Fonsagrada -> A Fonsagrada
Chantada (Lugo) -> Chantada

And that´s all. If you want something more from me just let me know in my galician wikipedia talk page. Hope you have a great work in your wikipedia! --Xosé Antonio (munozara) 21:36, 9 Avgust 2012 (UTC)



O'zbek tiliga tarjima qiling men o'giraman inglizcha bilmiman.Mirzoulug'bek (munozara) 10:18, 2 Avgust 2012 (UTC).

Hello. Could you, plese, add few sentences about him? Thank you, Gdarin (munozara) 13:42, 13 Avgust 2012 (UTC)

I was wondering if you could do the Selena article on the wiki? Best, AJona1992 (munozara) 03:14, 28 Avgust 2012 (UTC)

Polandball barnstar

  The Polandball Barnstar
Hello Uzbekistanball, Australiaball be approvings of your translatings of Polandball. With Uzbekistanball help, we provings that whilst Poland can not into space, Polandball can into Wikipedia. As Australiaball making note of on his page of user, he will continue to make uploadings of aviation picturings to Commons. Many of greetings and exultations. Russavia (munozara) 07:37, 2 sentabr 2012 (UTC)



Salom! Is it a mistake to use ' instead of ʻ in Uzbek words? X ziomal X (munozara) 14:28, 4 sentabr 2012 (UTC)



Hello! I have found a website offering O'zbekiston Milliy Ensiklopediyasy for download, but I cannot download it. I can download every book but this encyclopedy... Do you know if it is downloadable at all? Andriejewicz (munozara) 17:13, 5 sentabr 2012 (UTC)

Creating a bot like DastyorBot


Hello Abdulla,

I am Euriditi, administrator in Albanian Wikipedia. I want to congratulate you for creating the bot DastyorBot and I wanted to ask help from you. I want to create exactly the same bot in Albanian Wikipedia so could you please help me what framework does your bot use. Is it pywikipedia framework? If so could you give me the script? Thanks again, Euriditi (munozara) 10:03, 14 sentabr 2012 (UTC)

„Abdulla/Arxiv 4“ foydalanuvchi sahifasiga qaytish.