Maurice George Costello (talaffuzi: „Moris Djordj Kostello“, 1877-yil 22-fevral — 1950-yil 29-oktabr) 1890-yillarning oxiri va 1900-yillarning boshidagi taniqli amerikalik vodevil aktyori boʻlib, keyinchalik Amerikaning ilk filmlarida bosh rol, yordamchi oʻyinchi va rejissyor sifatida asosiy rol oʻynagan.

Maurice Costello
Maurice George Costello

22-fevral 1877-yil
Vafoti 29-oktyabr 1950-yil(1950-10-29)
(73 yoshda)
Hollywood, Kaliforniya, A. Q. Sh.
Fuqaroligi AQSh
Kasbi Aktyor, rejissyor
Faoliyat yillari 1905-1945
Turmush oʻrtogʻi
Mae Costello
(turm. 1902; ajr. 1927)

Ruth Reeves
(turm. 1939; ajr. 1941)
Bolalari Dolores Costello
Helene Costello



Costello Pensilvaniya shtatining Pitsburg shahrida irlandiyalik muhojirlar Ellen (née Fitzgerald, 1853-yilda tugʻilgan) va Thomas Costello (1852-yilda tugʻilgan) oilasida tugʻilgan. Uning otasi Thomas Maurice endigina besh oylik boʻlganida Andrew Carnegining Union temir tegirmonida yuqori oʻchoqni taʼmirlayotganda vafot etdi. U kuchli irlandiyalik tarbiyaga ega boʻlib, onasi, irland akasi va koʻplab irlandiyalik muhojirlar bilan yashagan[1].



Costello filmdagi debyutini 1908-yilda qilgan, biroq uzoq vaqt davomida Adventures of Sherlock Holmes; or, Held for Ransom" (1905), goʻyoki Sherlock Holmes xarakterini aks ettirgan birinchi jiddiy film sifatida koʻriladigan filmda bosh rolni oʻynagan, chunki undan oldin faqat 30 soniyalik komediya filmi Sherlock Holmes Baffled(1900). Biroq, Holmesian olimi Leslie S. Klinger roldagi Costelloning identifikatsiyasi notoʻgʻri ekanligini yozgan. [2] Klingerning taʼkidlashicha, Costello roli bilan birinchi identifikatsiya Maykl Pointerning 1975-yilda nashr etilgan "Sherlok Xolmsning jamoat hayoti" asarida boʻlgan, ammo Pointer keyinchalik xatosini tushunib, Klingerga maktub yozgan.

Shaxsiy hayot


Costello aktrisa Mae Costelloga (née Altschuk) uylangan edi. 1913-yil 23-noyabrda Costello rafiqasi Mayni kaltaklagani uchun hibsga olindi. 1913-yil 25-noyabrda Costello mast holda xotinini kaltaklaganini tan oldi. May Costello tartibbuzarlik uchun ayblovlarni olib tashlashni soʻradi va Costelloga coney oroli politsiya sudi sudyasi Geysner tomonidan olti oy sinov muddati berildi[3].


Yil Sarlavha Rol Izohlar
1908 Antony and Cleopatra Marc Antony Qisqa film
1909 The Bride of Lammermoor Edgar Ravenswood Qisqa film
1909 Les Misérables Jean Valjean Qisqa film
1909 A Midsummer Nightʼs Dream Lysander Qisqa film
1911 A Tale of Two Cities Sydney Carton Qisqa film
1911 His Sister’s Children Harry Burton Qisqa film
1911 Some Good in All Bill Qisqa film
1912 As You Like It Orlando
1912 The Adventure of the Italian Model Lambert Chase [4][5]
1912 The Adventure of a Thumb Print Lambert Chase [4][5]
1912 The Mystery of the Seven Jewels Lambert Chase [4][5]
1913 A Princess of Bagdad Seyn — the Cobbler
1914 Mr. Barnes of New York Janob Barnes
1915 The Man Who Couldnʼt Beat God Martin Henchford
1915 The Crown Princeʼs Double Barry Lawrence
1916 The Crimson Stain Mystery Harold Stanley
1919 The Captainʼs Captain John Sark
1919 The Cambric Mask John Sark
1919 The Man Who Won Henry Longfield
1919 The Girl-Woman Sanford
1920 Human Collateral Richard Morton
1920 Deadline at Eleven Paul Klocke
1920 The Tower of Jewels Fraser Grimstead
1921 Conceit Barbe la Fleche
1922 Determination Putnam
1923 None So Blind Russell Mortimer
1923 The Glimpses of the Moon Fred Gillow
1923 Man and Wife Caleb Perkins
1923 Fog Bound Deputy Brown
1924 Let Not Man Put Asunder Sir Humphrey
1924 Roulette Ben Corcoran
1924 Week End Husbands John Keane
1924 Virtuous Liars Josiah Wright
1924 Love of Women Janob Redfield
1924 Heart of Alaska
1924 The Story Without a Name The Cripple
1924 The Law and the Lady Cyrus Blake
1925 The Mad Marriage
1926 The Wives of the Prophet William Neil
1926 The Last Alarm Firemanning otasi
1926 The False Alarm
1926 Camille Armandning otasi
1927 Johnny Get Your Hair Cut Baxter Ryan
1927 Wolves of the Air Bobning otasi
1927 The Shamrock and the Rose Father OʻBrien
1927 Spider Webs Jeffrey Stanton
1928 See You Later
1928 The Wagon Show Colonel Beldan
1928 Black Feather
1928 Eagle of the Night
1934 Search for Beauty Health Acres Guest Akkreditatsiyasiz
1936 Hollywood Boulevard Direktor
1938 I Am the Law Lindsay Staff Member Akkreditatsiyasiz
1938 A Man to Remember Town Councilor Akkreditatsiyasiz
1938 Comet Over Broadway Dress Rehearsal Akkreditatsiyasiz
1938 Thereʼs That Woman Again Akkreditatsiyasiz
1939 Disbarred Frightened Juror Akkreditatsiyasiz
1939 Itʼs a Wonderful World Mehmon Akkreditatsiyasiz
1939 Judge Hardy and Son Auditoriyadagi kishi Akkreditatsiyasiz
1939 Five Little Peppers and How They Grew Hart Akkreditatsiyasiz
1939 Janob Smith Goes to Washington Diggs — Newsman Akkreditatsiyasiz
1939 The Roaring Twenties Nightclub Patron Akkreditatsiyasiz
1940 Rovinʼ Tumbleweeds Ways and Means Committee Member Akkreditatsiyasiz
1940 The Ghost Comes Home Townsman at Banquet Akkreditatsiyasiz
1940 Johnny Apollo Extra Akkreditatsiyasiz
1940 Edison, the Man Broker Akkreditatsiyasiz
1940 The Sea Hawk Man Carrying Spear Akkreditatsiyasiz
1940 All This, and Heaven Too Asosiy rol Akkreditatsiyasiz
1940 Foreign Correspondent Asosiy rol Akkreditatsiyasiz
1940 A Little Bit of Heaven Louie
1940 Third Finger, Left Hand Man at Railroad Station Akkreditatsiyasiz
1940 Tin Pan Alley Akkreditatsiyasiz
1941 A Man Betrayed Club Inferno Patron Akkreditatsiyasiz
1941 Lady from Louisiana Edwards
1941 Citizen Kane Extra Akkreditatsiyasiz
1941 Here Comes Janob Jordan Ringsider Akkreditatsiyasiz
1941 H. M. Pulham, Esq. Nikoh mehmoni Akkreditatsiyasiz
1942 Ride 'Em Cowboy Rodeo Spectator with Martin Manning Akkreditatsiyasiz
1942 Reap the Wild Wind Ball Guest Akkreditatsiyasiz
1942 Cairo Cavity Rock Townsman Akkreditatsiyasiz
1942 The Glass Key Oʻyinchi Akkreditatsiyasiz
1942 Henry Aldrich, Editor Fire Spectator Akkreditatsiyasiz
1943 Du Barry Was a Lady Passerby Akkreditatsiyasiz
1943 Sweet Rosie OʻGrady Minor Role Akkreditatsiyasiz
1944 A Fig Leaf for Eve Rahbari Akkreditatsiyasiz
1944 The Doughgirls Asosiy rol Akkreditatsiyasiz
1944 The Climax Asosiy rol Akkreditatsiyasiz
1944 Practically Yours Senate Stenographer Akkreditatsiyasiz
1945 Guest Wife Kichik qism Akkreditatsiyasiz


  1. Shulman, Terry C. (2019). Film's First Family: The Untold Story of the Costellos. pp. 7–8. 
  2. Kilnger, Leslie S. (June 1998). "Was Maurice Costello The First Screen Sherlock Holmes?". The Baker Street Journal 48 (2): 27–30. 
  3. „The evening world. (New York, N.Y.) 1887–1931, November 25, 1913, Final Edition, Image 22“ (1913-yil 25-noyabr).
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 Encyclopedia of Early Cinema, ed. Richard Abel (London: Routledge, 2005), 679; and Adam Lauder, "Itʼs Alive!: Bertram Brooker and Vitalism, " in The Logic of Nature, the Romance of Space: Elements of Canadian Modernist Painting, ed. Cassandra Getty (Windsor, ON; Oshawa, ON: Art Gallery of Windsor; The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, 2010), 104n93.
  5. 5,0 5,1 5,2 James King, Betram Brooker. Life and work. Art Canada Institut — Institut de l’Art Canadien, 2018, p. 5.