Viewing abuse filter 3: Takrorlangan belgilar

Editing filter 3
Filtr parametrlari
Filtr identifikatori:3


(publicly viewable)
Statistika:Of the last 698 actions, this filter has matched 2 (0,29%). On average, its run time is 0,21 ms, and it consumes 1,6 conditions of the condition limit.
!"confirmed" in user_groups & ( page_namespace = 0 & ( ( rmwhitespace(added_lines) rlike "([^_:.,*'|=#}{0 -]{1,9})\1{7}" | added_lines rlike "[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz]{9,}" ) & ( ! rmwhitespace(removed_lines) rlike "([^_:.,*'|=#}{-]{1,9})\1{6}" & ! removed_lines rlike "[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz]{8,}" & ! added_lines rlike "https?:\/\/\S*([^_:*'|=}{-]{1,9})\1{7}|https?:\/\/\S*[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz]{7,}|(^|\n)[|!]" & ! added_lines irlike "number|spell|math|string|<br\b" & ! page_title irlike "number" ) ) )
Filter last modified:16:10, 2021-yil 18-sentyabr by Malikxan (munozara | hissa)
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Actions to take when matched