Foydalanuvchi Flow talk page manager hissasi
Flow talk page manager munozara chetlatishlar yuklamalar qaydlar global block log global hisoblar filtrlash qaydlari global contributions
8 ta tahrirga sohib foydalanuvchi. Hisob 2015-yil 3-avgustda yaratilgan.
2015-yil 2-oktyabr
- 20:1520:15, 2015-yil 2-oktyabr farq tarix +179 Y Andoza:Archive for converted wikitext talk page →Automatically created by Flow joriy
- 20:1520:15, 2015-yil 2-oktyabr farq tarix +127 Y Andoza:Wikitext talk page converted to Flow →Automatically created by Flow joriy
- 20:1520:15, 2015-yil 2-oktyabr farq tarix +135 Y Andoza:LQT post imported with different signature user →Automatically created by Flow joriy
- 20:1520:15, 2015-yil 2-oktyabr farq tarix +113 Y Andoza:LQT post imported with supressed user →Automatically created by Flow joriy
- 20:1520:15, 2015-yil 2-oktyabr farq tarix +168 Y Andoza:Archive for converted LQT page →Automatically created by Flow joriy
- 20:1520:15, 2015-yil 2-oktyabr farq tarix +149 Y Andoza:LQT page converted to Flow →Automatically created by Flow joriy
- 20:1520:15, 2015-yil 2-oktyabr farq tarix +86 Y Andoza:LQT Moved thread stub converted to Flow →Automatically created by Flow joriy
2015-yil 3-avgust
- 23:3923:39, 2015-yil 3-avgust farq tarix +58 Y Andoza:FlowMention →Automatically created by Flow joriy