Barcha ochiq qaydlar

Vikipediyadagi barcha jurnallar roʻyxati. Natijalarni jurnal nomi, foydalanuvchi nomi (harflar katta-kichikligi inobatga olinadi) yoki sahifa nomi boʻyicha saralashingiz mumkin.

  • Biror foydalanuvchi amalga oshirgan qaydni topish uchun uning foydalanuvchi nomini „Ijrochi“ oynasiga kiriting.
  • Biror foydalanuvchi yoki sahifaga nisbatan amalga oshirilgan qaydni topish uchun ulardan birining nomini „Moʻljal“ oynasiga kiriting.
(eng yangi | eng eski) Koʻrib chiqish (yangiroq 50 | ) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
  • 09:17, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Petelinjek (Novo Mesto) sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 09:16, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Petane sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 09:15, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Pangrč Grm sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 09:14, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Paha sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 09:12, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Otočec sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 09:11, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Mihovec sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi) Teg: Koʻrib tahrirlagich: Switched
  • 09:09, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Mali Slatnik sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 09:06, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Mali Podljuben sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 09:05, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Mali Orehek sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 09:04, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Mali Cerovec sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 09:03, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Male Brusnice sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 09:01, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Mala Cikava sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 08:59, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Lutrško Selo sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 08:56, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Lešnica (Novo Mesto) sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 08:53, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Leskovec (Novo Mesto) sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 08:52, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Laze (Novo Mesto) sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 08:49, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Kuzarjev Kal sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 08:45, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Tuljaki sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 08:43, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Sokoliči sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 08:42, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Da Ponte Fountain sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 08:38, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Sirči sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 08:34, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Rakitovec (Koper) sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 08:33, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Puče sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 08:32, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Premančan sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 07:11, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Pregara sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 07:10, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Predloka sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 07:09, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Praproče (Koper) sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 07:09, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Prade sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 07:08, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Popetre sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 07:07, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Pomjan sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 07:06, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Poletiči sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 07:04, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Podpeč (Koper) sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 07:03, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Podgorje (Koper) sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 07:03, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Pobegi sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 07:02, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Plavje sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 07:01, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Pisari sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 07:01, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Peraji sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 07:00, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Osp sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 06:59, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Olika (Koper) sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 06:59, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Movraž sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 06:58, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Montinjan sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 06:57, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Močunigi sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 06:57, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Maršiči (Koper) sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 06:56, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Marezige sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 06:56, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Manžan sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 06:55, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Lukini sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 06:54, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Lopar (Koper) sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 06:53, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Loka (Koper) sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 06:53, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Labor (Koper) sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
  • 06:52, 2024-yil 29-iyun Shahriyorxon munozara hissa Kubed sahifasini yaratdi („{{Bilgiquti aholi punkti <!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage--> <!-- Basic info ---------------->| official_name = {{PAGENAMEBASE}} | other_name = | native_name = <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English --> | nickname = | mavqe = Munitsipalitet | motto = <!-- images and maps -----------> | image_skyline = | imagesize = | image_caption = | image_flag = | flag_size = | i...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
(eng yangi | eng eski) Koʻrib chiqish (yangiroq 50 | ) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)