Barcha ochiq qaydlar
Vikipediyadagi barcha jurnallar roʻyxati. Natijalarni jurnal nomi, foydalanuvchi nomi (harflar katta-kichikligi inobatga olinadi) yoki sahifa nomi boʻyicha saralashingiz mumkin.
- Biror foydalanuvchi amalga oshirgan qaydni topish uchun uning foydalanuvchi nomini „Ijrochi“ oynasiga kiriting.
- Biror foydalanuvchi yoki sahifaga nisbatan amalga oshirilgan qaydni topish uchun ulardan birining nomini „Moʻljal“ oynasiga kiriting.
- 23:11, 2007-yil 22-sentyabr Versageek munozara hissa Forum/Qolganlar/w/index.php sahifasini oʻchirdi (content was: '{{delete}}')
- 03:15, 2007-yil 6-iyul Versageek munozara hissa W/wiki/Wikipedia:Forum/w/index.php sahifasini oʻchirdi (content was: ' Sorry ploead :( rWongg category... wijl be careufl' (and the only contributor was ''))
- 03:15, 2007-yil 6-iyul Versageek munozara hissa munozara nomli foydalanuvchini 3 oy muddatga chetlashtirdi (anonymous users only) (broken spambot)
- 05:14, 2007-yil 30-iyun Versageek munozara hissa munozara nomli foydalanuvchini 3 oy muddatga chetlashtirdi (anonymous users only) (broken spambot)
- 01:19, 2007-yil 30-iyun Versageek munozara hissa munozara nomli foydalanuvchini 3 oy muddatga chetlashtirdi (anonymous users only) (broken spambot)
- 02:13, 2007-yil 28-iyun Versageek munozara hissa Yayuyao sahifasini oʻchirdi (content was: '{{delete}}')
- 02:12, 2007-yil 28-iyun Versageek munozara hissa munozara nomli foydalanuvchini 3 oy muddatga chetlashtirdi (anonymous users only) (broken spambot)
- 03:45, 2007-yil 27-iyun Versageek munozara hissa munozara nomli foydalanuvchini 3 oy muddatga chetlashtirdi (anonymous users only) (broken spambot)
- 03:45, 2007-yil 27-iyun Versageek munozara hissa Qiansou2 sahifasini oʻchirdi (content was: '幽幽女人香 题记: 相传当年造物主从亚当身上取出一根胁骨创造女人时,特意吹了一股香气在女人的...' (and the only contributor was ''))
- 05:51, 2007-yil 26-iyun Versageek munozara hissa W/wiki/Wikipedia:Forum/w/w/index.php sahifasini oʻchirdi (content was: ' Srroy pkease :(rWog category..wikl be caeefdul' (and the only contributor was ''))
- 05:51, 2007-yil 26-iyun Versageek munozara hissa munozara nomli foydalanuvchini 3 oy muddatga chetlashtirdi (anonymous users only) (broken spambot)
- 23:14, 2007-yil 25-iyun Versageek munozara hissa munozara nomli foydalanuvchini 3 oy muddatga chetlashtirdi (anonymous users only) (broken spambot)
- 23:13, 2007-yil 25-iyun Versageek munozara hissa Main Page/cxmtlqc sahifasini oʻchirdi (content was: '花开无声 不经意间,芦荟的花开了。浅黄色的,小朵小朵的,从青绿的芦荟丛中探出头来,不艳丽,不张�...' (and the only contributor was ''))
- 23:13, 2007-yil 25-iyun Versageek munozara hissa Main Page/cxmtlqc1 sahifasini oʻchirdi (content was: '两条游鱼的相爱(上) 一 湿湿的海风不时地贴在脸上,蒋黎天靠在甲板的栏杆上倾听着海浪拍打船沿�...' (and the only contributor was ''))
- 23:13, 2007-yil 25-iyun Versageek munozara hissa Main Page/cxmtlqc2 sahifasini oʻchirdi (content was: '两条游鱼的相爱(下) 五 紫藤抱起一摞绣品就往外走。紫嫣急急叫住了她:“姐,等我一起走!”紫藤...' (and the only contributor was ''))
- 05:26, 2007-yil 19-iyun Versageek munozara hissa Vikingové sahifasini oʻchirdi (content was: '{{delete}}')
- 21:07, 2007-yil 17-iyun Versageek munozara hissa Amir Temur buyuk sarkarda bunyodkor sahifasini oʻchirdi (content was: '{{delete}}')
- 13:57, 2007-yil 6-iyun Versageek munozara hissa Islom shariatida bid'at masalasi sahifasini oʻchirdi (copyvio / content was: '© Nuh Ha Mim Keller 1995Quyida Shayx Nuh Ha Mim Kellerning 1995-yil 25-yanvar kuni Nottingham va Trent Universitetida bergan suhbati matni keltiril...' (and the only contributor was 'Master'))
- 13:56, 2007-yil 6-iyun Versageek munozara hissa Nima uchun musulmonlar mazhablarga ergashadi sahifasini oʻchirdi (copyvio / content was: '©Nuh Ha Mim Keller 1995Mazkur maqola 1994 va 1995-yillarda AQSH, Kanada va Angliyada berilgan suhbatlar asosida tayyorlangan. Bu marosimlarda tushg...' (and the only contributor was 'Master'))
- 04:23, 2007-yil 2-iyun Versageek munozara hissa Yordam:Mundarija/Boshlash sahifasini oʻchirdi (content was: 'gftiyhgf;iou' (and the only contributor was ''))
- 06:34, 2007-yil 30-may Versageek munozara hissa munozara nomli foydalanuvchini 3 oy muddatga chetlashtirdi (anonymous users only) (broken spambot)
- 06:33, 2007-yil 30-may Versageek munozara hissa Vikipediya: Maqolalarga nom berish/wiki/Wikipedia:Forum/w/index.php sahifasini oʻchirdi (spam / content was: 'Привет всем обителям форума! Извините, если раздел этот не подходит д...' (and the only contributor was '[[Special:Contributions/|])
- 06:32, 2007-yil 30-may Versageek munozara hissa Amerika Qo`shma Shtatlari Davlat Madhiyasi sahifasini oʻchirdi (content was: '{{delete|Wikibook'a yazılgan kerek}}200px|thumb|Amerika Qo`shma Shtatlari bayrogʻi.'''Star-Spangled Banner...')
- 06:31, 2007-yil 30-may Versageek munozara hissa PL Kyodan sahifasini oʻchirdi (content was: '{{delete|Non-Uzbek Content - Article was also spammed in Slovenian, Chuvash, Udmurt, Chechen, Scots, Sardinian, Komi, Welsh Wikipedia etc..... }}*<b...')
- 23:21, 2007-yil 17-may Versageek munozara hissa munozara nomli foydalanuvchini 3 oy muddatga chetlashtirdi (anonymous users only) (broken spambot)
- 23:21, 2007-yil 17-may Versageek munozara hissa Vikipediya: Maqolalarga nom berish/wiki/Wikipedia:Forum/w/w/index.php sahifasini oʻchirdi (spam / content was: 'Да, может быть сайт не для моей просьбы, но надеюсь , что и здесь могут н...' (and the only contributor was '[[Special:Contributions/|
- 01:14, 2007-yil 15-may Versageek munozara hissa MediaWiki munozarasi:Accesskey-mycontris sahifasini oʻchirdi (content was: 'Amazing artwork! This is spectacularly done! Please visit my site too:<a href= ></a>' (and the only contributor was ''))
- 01:14, 2007-yil 15-may Versageek munozara hissa munozara nomli foydalanuvchini 3 oy muddatga chetlashtirdi (anonymous users only) (broken spambot)
- 21:47, 2007-yil 13-may Versageek munozara hissa munozara nomli foydalanuvchini 2 hafta muddatga chetlashtirdi (anonymous users only) (spambot)
- 21:47, 2007-yil 13-may Versageek munozara hissa Forum/w/w/index.php sahifasini oʻchirdi (content was: 'Âñå î Áîðäîâñêîì äîãå íà íàøåì ôîðóìå!' (and the only contributor was ''))
- 21:46, 2007-yil 13-may Versageek munozara hissa W/wiki/Wikipedia:Forum/wiki/w/index.php sahifasini oʻchirdi (content was: 'Âñå î Áîðäîâñêîì äîãå íà íàøåì ôîðóìå!' (and the only contributor was ''))
- 21:46, 2007-yil 13-may Versageek munozara hissa munozara nomli foydalanuvchini 2 hafta muddatga chetlashtirdi (anonymous users only) (spambot)
- 19:34, 2007-yil 11-may Versageek munozara hissa Vikipediya:Forum/ sahifasini oʻchirdi (content was: '{{delete}}')
- 02:36, 2007-yil 6-may Versageek munozara hissa MediaWiki munozarasi:Accesskey-mycontris sahifasini oʻchirdi (content was: 'Nice site!' (and the only contributor was ''))
- 02:36, 2007-yil 6-may Versageek munozara hissa munozara nomli foydalanuvchini 2 hafta muddatga chetlashtirdi (anonymous users only) (spambot)
- 19:57, 2007-yil 26-aprel Versageek munozara hissa Forum/w/index.php sahifasini oʻchirdi (content was: 'Peace people We love you' (and the only contributor was ''))
- 19:46, 2007-yil 21-aprel Versageek munozara hissa munozara nomli foydalanuvchini 2 hafta muddatga chetlashtirdi (anonymous users only, hisob ochish toʻxtatilgan) (linkspam)
- 19:44, 2007-yil 21-aprel Versageek munozara hissa Vikipediya: Forum/w/index.php sahifasini oʻchirdi (content was: '{{delete}}Thanks for helping')
- 19:07, 2007-yil 15-aprel Versageek munozara hissa Vikipediya:Protected against recreation sahifasini himoyaladi (protected pages page [edit=sysop:move=sysop] [cascading])
- 22:58, 2007-yil 14-aprel Versageek munozara hissa munozara nomli foydalanuvchini 2 hafta muddatga chetlashtirdi (anonymous users only) (spambot)
- 22:58, 2007-yil 14-aprel Versageek munozara hissa Vikipediya:Forum/w/index.php sahifasini oʻchirdi (spam)
- 05:27, 2007-yil 13-aprel Versageek munozara hissa MediaWiki munozarasi:Sitesettings sahifasini oʻchirdi (content was: '{{delete|spambot crap --Thogo 21:01, 12 Aprel 2007 (UTC)}}----Great Site!')
- 05:26, 2007-yil 13-aprel Versageek munozara hissa munozara nomli foydalanuvchini 2 hafta muddatga chetlashtirdi (anonymous users only, hisob ochish toʻxtatilgan) ("unknown" spambot)
- 05:26, 2007-yil 13-aprel Versageek munozara hissa MediaWiki munozarasi:Accesskey-mycontris sahifasini oʻchirdi (spam / content was: 'Great Site!' (and the only contributor was ''))
- 22:05, 2007-yil 11-aprel Versageek munozara hissa MediaWiki munozarasi:Asksqltext sahifasini oʻchirdi (content was: 'Good Site' (and the only contributor was ''))
- 22:04, 2007-yil 11-aprel Versageek munozara hissa munozara nomli foydalanuvchini 2 hafta muddatga chetlashtirdi (anonymous users only) (spambot)
- 22:04, 2007-yil 11-aprel Versageek munozara hissa MediaWiki munozarasi:Sitesettings sahifasini oʻchirdi (content was: 'Good Site' (and the only contributor was ''))
- 11:26, 2007-yil 8-aprel Versageek munozara hissa munozara nomli foydalanuvchini 2 hafta muddatga chetlashtirdi (anonymous users only) (spambot)
- 11:26, 2007-yil 8-aprel Versageek munozara hissa W/w/index.php sahifasini oʻchirdi (content was: 'Hello all Somebody here know about XRumer program? Give me some info or link to description.... thanks. Also, do you know when XRumer 4.0 Platinu...' (and the only contributor was ''))
- 06:06, 2007-yil 8-aprel Versageek munozara hissa munozara nomli foydalanuvchini 2 hafta muddatga chetlashtirdi (anonymous users only) ("unknown" spambot)