Modul:Location map/data/United States Greater Spokane

Location map of Greater Spokane area
name Greater Spokane area
-117.5602 ←↕→ -117.061
map center 47°41′38″N 117°18′38″W / 47.69395°N 117.3106°W / 47.69395; -117.3106
image Location Map United States Greater Spokane.png

Modul:Location map/data/United States Greater Spokane joylashuv xaritasi taʼrifi boʻlib, an equirectangular projection Greater Spokane areadagi markerlar va yorliqlarni joylashtirish uchun foydalaniladi. :Modul:Location map/data/United States Greater Spokane|1|3}}|ism}}]]}}}. Markerlar standart xaritada yoki shunga o'xshash xarita tasvirida kenglik va uzunlik koordinatalari bo'yicha joylashtiriladi.


Ushbu ta'riflar parametr bilan chaqirilganda quyidagi andozalar tomonidan qo'llaniladi „United States Greater Spokane“:

Xarita tavsifi

  • name = Greater Spokane area
    Standart xarita sarlavhasida foydalanilgan ism
  • bottom = 47.5598
    Latitude at bottom edge of map, in decimal degrees
  • left = -117.5602
    Longitude at left edge of map, in decimal degrees
  • right = -117.061
    Longitude at right edge of map, in decimal degrees


Longitude: from West to East this map definition covers Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character " ". degrees.

  • At an image width of 200 pixels, that is Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character " ". degrees per pixel.
  • At an image width of 1000 pixels, that is Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character " ". degrees per pixel.

Latitude: from North to South this map definition covers Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character " ". degrees.

  • At an image height of 200 pixels, that is Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character " ". degrees per pixel.
  • At an image height of 1000 pixels, that is Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character " ". degrees per pixel.

Xaritalar joylashuvi andozalariga misollar

Location map, using default map (image)

{{Location map | United States Greater Spokane
 | width   = 250
 | lat_deg = 47.652
 | lon_deg = -117.42
 | label   = [[Lewis and Clark High School]]

Location map many

Two locations in the greater Spokane area
{{Location map many | United States Greater Spokane
 | width    = 250
 | caption  = Two locations in the greater Spokane area
 | lat1_deg = 47.652
 | lon1_deg = -117.42
 | label1   = [[Lewis and Clark High School|L&C]]
 | lat2_deg = 47.705
 | lon2_deg = -117.483
 | label2   = [[Joe Albi Stadium]]
 | mark2    = Stadium - The Noun Project.svg
 | mark2size= 16
 | position2= bottom

Location map+

{{Location map+ | United States Greater Spokane
| width   = 400
| caption = Many locations in the greater Spokane area
| places  =
  {{Location map~ | United States Greater Spokane
   | lat_deg = 47.652
   | lon_deg = -117.42
   | label   = [[Lewis and Clark High School|L&C]]
   | position= 
  {{Location map~ | United States Greater Spokane
   | lat_deg = 47.61975
   | lon_deg = -117.365861
   | label   = [[Joel E. Ferris High School|Ferris]]
   | position= 
  {{Location map~ | United States Greater Spokane
   | lat_deg = 47.685833
   | lon_deg = -117.391944
   | label   = [[Gonzaga Preparatory School|G-Prep]]
   | position= 
  {{Location map~ | United States Greater Spokane
   | lat_deg = 47.649444
   | lon_deg = -117.193611
   | label   = [[Central Valley High School (Washington)|CV]]
   | position= 
  {{Location map~ | United States Greater Spokane
   | lat_deg = 47.77
   | lon_deg = -117.414722
   | label   = [[Mead High School|Mead]]
   | position= 
  {{Location map~ | United States Greater Spokane
   | lat_deg = 47.627222
   | lon_deg = -117.236667
   | label   = [[University High School (Spokane Valley)|U-Hi]]
   | position= 
  {{Location map~ | United States Greater Spokane
   | lat_deg = 47.788611
   | lon_deg = -117.322778
   | label   = [[Mt. Spokane High School|Mt. Spokane]]
   | mark    = Blue pog.svg
   | position= 
  {{Location map~ | United States Greater Spokane
   | lat_deg = 47.671639
   | lon_deg = -117.419028
   | label   = [[North Central High School|NC]]
   | mark    = Blue pog.svg
   | position= 
  {{Location map~ | United States Greater Spokane
   | lat_deg = 47.700
   | lon_deg = -117.386
   | label   = [[John R. Rogers High School|Rogers]]
   | mark    = Blue pog.svg
   | position= 
  {{Location map~ | United States Greater Spokane
   | lat_deg = 47.698
   | lon_deg = -117.437
   | label   = [[Shadle Park High School|Shadle<br/>Park<br/>↓]]
   | mark    = Blue pog.svg
   | position= top
  {{Location map~ | United States Greater Spokane
   | lat_deg = 47.705
   | lon_deg = -117.483
   | label   = [[Joe Albi Stadium|Joe Albi]]
   | mark    = Stadium - The Noun Project.svg
   | marksize= 16
   | position= bottom

Yana qarang

Xaritalar joylashuvi andozalari

Creating new map definitions

return {
	name = 'Greater Spokane area',
	image = 'Location Map United States Greater Spokane.png',
	top = 47.8281,
	bottom = 47.5598,
	left = -117.5602,
	right = -117.0610