Eslatma: Bayroqlarda FIFA muvofiqlik qoidalari boʻyicha belgilangan terma jamoa koʻrsatiladi. Oʻyinchilar FIFAga kirmaydigan bir nechta fuqarolikka ega boʻlishi mumkin.

R. Poz. Futbolchi Millati
Documentation icon Andoza hujjati[koʻrib chiqish] [tahrirlash] [tarix] [yangilash]



Ushbu andoza futbol oʻyinchilari tarkibini standart formatda koʻrsatish uchun foydalaniladi. Adnoza Andoza:Football squad playerdan olingan boʻlib, qoʻshimcha xususiyatlar va oʻzgarishlar ushbu andoza bilan VP:ACCESS ni hal qilishga qaratilgan.


{{Football squad start2}}
{{Football squad player2|no=#SHIRT_NUMBER|nat=#NATIONALITY|pos=#POS_OR_ROLE|name=#PLAYER_NAME}}
{{Football squad player2|no=#SHIRT_NUMBER|nat=#NATIONALITY|pos=#POS_OR_ROLE|name=#PLAYER_NAME|other=#OTHER_RELATED_INFO}}
{{Football squad player2|no=#SHIRT_NUMBER|nat=#NATIONALITY|pos=#POS_OR_ROLE|name=#PLAYER_NAME}}
{{Football squad end2}}

Muqobil andoza nomlari


Yangi guruhlarni yozish ishini osonlashtirish maqsadida ba’zi muqobil, qisqaroq nomlar ishlab chiqildi. Endi siz {{Fs start2}}, {{Fs player2}} va {{Fs end2}} ni boshqa andozalarning ekvivalent sintaksisidan foydalangan holda muqobil andozalar sifatida qo‘llashingiz mumkin.



{{Football squad start2}} da:

  • hidenote: By default, the note at the top of the template will always display. It can be disabled with |hidenote=yes.
  • date: Optional parameter; will display the date as typed.
  • ref: Optional parameter; will add a reference to the end of the header.
  • bg: Use this param to specify a custom background color for the table header. Use RRGGBB values without the # sign. Example: |bg=5d9731
  • color: Use this param to specify a custom text color for the table header. Use RRGGBB values without the # sign. Example: |color=ffffff

In both {{Football squad start2}} and {{football squad player2}}:

  • nonumber: Many clubs use squad numbers, but others do not. Adding |nonumber=yes to {{football squad start2}} will disable the number column entirely. If used, this parameter should also be added to every player's entry, as otherwise a dash will be shown.
  • nonat: Adding |nonat=yes to {{football squad start2}} will disable the nation column entirely. If used, nat should be omitted from every player's entry.

In {{Football squad player2}}:

  • no: The shirt number for the player, if they have one. If the player's number is not known, or unassigned, then you can use the character instead.
  • nat: The player's nationality. Use the name of the country, or its 3-letter IOC country code, rather than an adjective (e.g. "Spain" instead of "Spanish"). This is for the country that the player represents in international football (regardless of nationality of birth or citizenship, or non-FIFA sporting nationalities the player may use in other contexts). If this template is used in a non-FIFA context, then some other nationality might apply; however, this parameter is never for indication of birthplace as such, which has nothing to do with football.
  • natvar: If the relevant flag of the country is other that its current one, e.g. |natvar=1931. Andoza:Crossref
  • pos: The position in which the player plays. You can use any of the four options below:
    1. GK for Goalkeeper;
    2. DF for Defender;
    3. MF for Midfielder;
    4. FW for Striker or Forward;
  • name: The player's name.
  • other: This is an optional parameter. You can add any related info to this parameter, like specifying captain, vice-captain, whether the player is on loan, etc. It will show additional info in the brackets after the player name. You do not have to specify it if neither applies.

Masalan, quyidagi kod:

{{Football squad start2}}
{{Football squad player2|no=1|nat=Germany|pos=GK|name=[[Jens Lehmann]]}}
{{Football squad player2|no=3|nat=England|pos=DF|name=[[Ashley Cole]]}}
{{Football squad player2|no=14|nat=France|pos=FW|name=[[Thierry Henry]]|other=captain }}
{{Football squad player2|no=23|nat=England|pos=DF|name=[[Sol Campbell]]}}
{{Football squad player2|no=24|nat=Spain|pos=GK|name=[[Manuel Almunia]]}}
{{Football squad player2|no=26|nat=Ghana|pos=FW|name=[[Quincy Owusu-Abeyie]]|other=on loan}}
{{Football squad end2}}

Bu jadvalni hosil qiladi:

Eslatma: Bayroqlarda FIFA muvofiqlik qoidalari boʻyicha belgilangan terma jamoa koʻrsatiladi. Oʻyinchilar FIFAga kirmaydigan bir nechta fuqarolikka ega boʻlishi mumkin.

R. Poz. Futbolchi Millati
1 GK Jens Lehmann  Germaniya
3 DF Ashley Cole  Angliya
14 FW Thierry Henry (captain)  Fransiya
23 DF Sol Campbell  Angliya
24 GK Manuel Almunia  Ispaniya
26 FW Quincy Owusu-Abeyie (on loan)  Gana



The HTML markup produced by this template includes an hCard microformat, which makes the person's name parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue articles across Wikipedia or via a browser tool operated by a reader, to (for example) add the subject to an address book. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please see the microformat project.

To include a URL, use {{URL}}.



The hCard in this template uses at least some of these HTML classes:

  • agent
  • family-name
  • fn (required)
  • given-name
  • honorific-prefix
  • honorific-suffix
  • n
  • nickname
  • org
  • url
  • vcard

Please do not rename or remove these classes nor collapse nested elements which use them.

Andoza ma’lumotlari

Bu TemplateData TemplateWizard, VisualEditor va boshqa vositalar uchun ishlab chiqilgan.

Football squad start2 uchun TemplateData

The template gives displays the shirt no., country, position and full name of a football (soccer) player. Also mentions if a player is a captain, vice-captain or on-loan.

Andoza parametrlari[„TemplateData“ni boshqarish]

This template prefers inline formatting of parameters.

National teamnat

The national team of the player, as name or IOC code.

Spain or ESP, not Spanish

The position of the player which can be either GK (Goal keeper), DF(defender), MF(Mid fielder) or FW(Forward)


Name of player. May be wikilinked.

Other informationother

Optional field that is used to mention captain, vice-captain, on loan, etc.

on loan

The shirt number for the player, if they have one. If the player's number is not known, or unassigned, then you can use the – character instead.

No numbernonumber

Player shirt numbers are not shown in the table

Flag variantnatvar

To use a historical flag. See Template:Flagicon

Sukut boʻyicha
Use the current flag.

tavsif yoʻq
