Der er et yndigt land“ (daniyacha talaffuzi: [tɛɐ̯ ˈɛɐ̯ e̝t ˈøntit ˈlænˀ, tɑ -]; lit. „Ajoyib mamlakat bor“) — Daniyaning ikkita milliy madhiyalaridan biri.

 Daniya davlat madhiyasi
Soʻz muallif(lar)i Adam Oehlenschläger, 1819
Bastakor Hans Ernst Krøyer
Qabul qilindi 1835
Daniya davlat madhiyasi

Qoʻshiq matni 1819-yilda Adam Oehlenshläger tomonidan yozilgan va lotin tilida shiorga ega edi: Ille terrarum mihi praeter omnes angulus ridet (Horace: „Bu yerning burchagi men uchun hammadan koʻra koʻproq tabassum qiladi“). Musiqa 1835-yilda Hans Ernst Krøyer tomonidan yaratilgan.

Daniya dunyodagi ikkita rasmiy milliy madhiyaga ega ikkita davlatdan biri — ikkinchisi Yangi Zelandiya hisoblanadi. Rasmiy ravishda „Kong Christian stod ved højen mast“ ham milliy, ham qirollik madhiyasi hisoblanadi. U fuqarolik milliy madhiyasi sifatida qabul qilingan „Der er et yndigt land“ bilan teng maqomga ega[1]. Qirollik va harbiy tadbirlarda „Kong Christian“ ijro etiladi yoki ikkita milliy madhiya birga ijro etiladi[2].




Umumiy foydalanishda faqat birinchi misra (yoki bayt) va toʻrtinchi misraning oxirgi uch misrasi kuylanadi. Oxirgi misraning birinchi yarmi kamdan-kam kuylanadi.

Dan tili[3][4] IPA transkripsiyasi Ingliz tiliga soʻzma-soʻz tarjimasi Metrik inglizcha tarjima

Der er et yndigt land,
Det står med brede bøge
𝄆 Nær salten østerstrand. 𝄇
Det bugter sig i bakke, dal,
Det hedder gamle Danmark
𝄆 Og det er Frejas sal. 𝄇

Der sad i fordums tid
De harniskklædte kæmper,
𝄆 Udhvilede fra strid. 𝄇
Så drog de frem til fjenders mén,
Nu hvile deres bene
𝄆 Bag højens bautasten. 𝄇

Det land endnu er skønt,
Thi blå sig søen bælter,
𝄆 Og løvet står så grønt. 𝄇
Og ædle kvinder, skønne møer
Og mænd og raske svende
𝄆 Bebo de danskes øer. 𝄇

Hil drot og fædreland!
Hil hver en danneborger,
𝄆 Som virker, hvad han kan! 𝄇
Vort gamle Danmark skal bestå,
Så længe bøgen spejler
𝄆 Sin top i bølgen blå. 𝄇

[tɛɐ̯ ɛɐ̯ e̝t ˈøn.tit lænˀ]
[te̝ ˈstɒˀ með ˈpʁeː.ðə ˈpøː.jə]
𝄆 [nɛɐ̯ˀ ˈsæl.tən ˈøs.tɐ.ˌstʁɑnˀ] 𝄇
[te̝ ˈpɔk.tɐ sɑj i ˈpɑ.kə tɛˀl]
[te̝ ˈhe̝.ðˀɐ ˈkɑm.lə ˈtæn.mɑk]
𝄆 [ʌ te̝ ɛɐ̯ ˈfʁɑ.jæs sɛˀl] 𝄇

[tɛɐ̯ sæðˀ i ˈfɒː.tɔms tsʰiðˀ]
[ti ˈhɑː.nisk.ˌkʰleˀ.tə ˈkʰem.pɐ]
𝄆 [ˈuð.ˌviˀ.lə.ðə fʁɑ stʁiðˀ] 𝄇
[sʌ tʁoˀ ti fʁæmˀ tsʰe̝l ˈfje.nɐs me̝ˀn]
[nu ˈviː.lə ˈtɛɐ̯.ɐs ˈpe̝ː.nə]
𝄆 [pɛˀj ˈhʌ.jəns ˈpɑw.tæ.ˌste̝ˀn] 𝄇

[te̝ lænˀ e.ˈnu ɛɐ̯ skœnˀt]
[tsʰi plɔˀ sɑj søˀ.jən ˈpel.tɐ]
𝄆 [ʌ(w) ˈløˀ.vəð stɒˀ sʌ kʁɶnˀt] 𝄇
[ʌ(w) ˈɛˀð.lə ˈkve̝.nɐ skœ.nə møˀɐ]
[ʌ(w) menˀ ʌ(w) ˈʁɑs.kə ˈsve.nə]
𝄆 [pe̝.ˈpoˀ ti ˈtæns.kəs øˀɐ] 𝄇

[hilˀ tʁʌt ʌ(w) ˈfeð.ʁɐ.ˌlænˀ]
[hilˀ vɛɐ̯ˀ e̝n ˈtæ.nə.ˌpɒː.wɐ]
𝄆 [sʌm ˈviɐ̯.kɐ væð hæn kʰænˀ] 𝄇
[vɒːt ˈkɑm.lə ˈtæn.mɑk ˈskæl pe̝.ˈstɔˀ]
[sʌ ˈle.ŋə ˈpøː.jən ˈspɑj.lɐ]
𝄆 [sin tsʰʌp i ˈpøl.jən plɔˀ] 𝄇

There is a lovely country
it stands with broad beech-trees,
𝄆 near the salty eastern shore 𝄇
It bends itself in hill, valley,
its name is old Denmark
𝄆 and it is Freyaʼs hall. 𝄇

There sat in former times,
the armour-suited warriors,
𝄆 rested from conflict. 𝄇
Then they went forward to the enemies' injury,
now resting are their bones
𝄆 behind the mound’s menhir. 𝄇

That country is still lovely,
because the sea waves so blue frolic,
𝄆 and the foliage stands so green 𝄇
And noble women, beautiful maidens,
and men and brisk swains
𝄆 inhabit the Danes' islands. 𝄇

Hail king and fatherland!
Hail every honourable citizen,
𝄆 who works, what he can 𝄇
Our old Denmark shall endure,
as long as the beech-tree mirrors
𝄆 its top in the blue wave! 𝄇

There is a land we love
with shady beech-trees aspread
𝄆 The briny shores above. 𝄇
Its hills and valleys gently fall,
'Tis the name of ol' Denmark,
𝄆 'Tis good ol' Freyaʼs hall. 𝄇

There in the days of yore
Sat armoured giants rested
𝄆 'Tween their frays of gore 𝄇
Then they went forth the foe to face,
Now found in stone-set barrows,
𝄆 Their final resting place. 𝄇

This land is still as fair,
The sea is blue around it,
𝄆 And peace is cherished there. 𝄇
Strong men and noble women still
Uphold their country’s honour
𝄆 With faithfulness and skill. 𝄇

Hail king and fatherland!
Hail citizens of honour,
𝄆 Who do the best they can. 𝄇
Our ancient Denmark shall remain,
As long as beech tops mirror
𝄆 In waves of blue their chain! 𝄇


  1. „Not one but two national anthems“. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. 2014-yil 15-mayda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2014-yil 19-may.
  2. Udenrigsministeriet. „Instruks for Udenrigstjenesten“. Retsinformation (2001-yil 6-avgust). Qaraldi: 2013-yil 30-iyun.
  3. „“.
  4. Der er et Yndigt Land af Adam Oehlenschläger, 1819. danmarkshistoriendk. Retrieved 23 May 2020.

