John Weakland

amerikalik psixoterapevt

John H. Weakland (1919-yil 8-yanvar — 1995-yil 18-iyul) — oilaviy psixoterapiya asoschilaridan biri boʻlgan sobiq psixoterapevt[1]. U Kaliforniyaning Palo-Alto shahridagi Ruhiy tadqiqot institutida katta ilmiy xodim, MRIdagi mashhur terapiya markazi direktori va psixiatriya kafedrasida faxriy klinik dotsent sifatida faoliyat yuritgan. Stanford universiteti tibbiyot fakulteti birituvchisi[2].


  • Change: Principles of Problem Formation and Problem Resolution, with Paul Watzlawick and Richard Fisch (WW Norton, NY, 1974)
  • The Tactics of Change: Doing Therapy Briefly, with Richard Fisch and Lynn Segal (Jossey Bass, SF, 1982)
  • The Interactional View: Studies at the Mental Research Institute, Palo Alto, 1965-1974, edited with Paul Watzlawick (WW Norton, NY, 1979)
  • Rigor and Imagination, Essays from the Legacy of Gregory Bateson, edited with Carol Wilder-Mott (Praeger, NY, 1981)
  • Propagations: Thirty Years of Influence From the Mental Research Institute, edited with Wendel Ray (The Haworth Press, Inc., 1995)


  1. Thomas, Robert McG. Jr.. „John Weakland, an Originator of Family Therapy, Is Dead at 76“ (en-US). The New York Times (1995-yil 16-iyul). Qaraldi: 2022-yil 9-sentyabr.
  2. Propagations: Thirty Years of Influence From the Mental Research Institute, The Haworth Press, Inc., 1995, p xiii

