Foydalanuvchi Ziv hissasi
Ziv munozara chetlatishlar yuklamalar qaydlar global block log global hisoblar filtrlash qaydlari global contributions
277 ta tahrirga sohib foydalanuvchi. Hisob 2024-yil 8-dekabrda yaratilgan.
2025-yil 20-fevral
- 12:2512:25, 2025-yil 20-fevral farq tarix 0 Foydalanuvchi munozarasi:Ziv →Hello dear visitor joriy Teg: Qoʻlda qaytarildi
- 12:2512:25, 2025-yil 20-fevral farq tarix 0 Foydalanuvchi munozarasi:Ziv →Hello dear visitor Teg: Qaytarildi
- 12:2412:24, 2025-yil 20-fevral farq tarix −75 Foydalanuvchi munozarasi:Ziv →Hello dear visitor
2025-yil 19-fevral
- 17:0717:07, 2025-yil 19-fevral farq tarix −3 Burgwindheim → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 16:1216:12, 2025-yil 19-fevral farq tarix +5 Müstair → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
2025-yil 18-fevral
- 17:1017:10, 2025-yil 18-fevral farq tarix +1 Ramosch → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 16:5416:54, 2025-yil 18-fevral farq tarix +1 Schwaan → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 16:3316:33, 2025-yil 18-fevral farq tarix +1 Heitersheim → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 13:3413:34, 2025-yil 18-fevral farq tarix +4 Soest → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 10:1410:14, 2025-yil 18-fevral farq tarix −2 Biberwier → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
2025-yil 17-fevral
- 16:2516:25, 2025-yil 17-fevral farq tarix −13 Termopot → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
2025-yil 15-fevral
- 08:0408:04, 2025-yil 15-fevral farq tarix +8 k Benningen (GR) File renamed: File:Wappen von Benningen.png → File:DEU Benningen (Schwaben) COA.png Criterion 4 · Harmonisation of a fileset joriy
- 07:5307:53, 2025-yil 15-fevral farq tarix +13 k Bergen (Mittelfranken) (GR) File renamed: File:Wappen von Bergen.png → File:DEU Bergen (Mittelfranken) COA.png Criterion 4 · Harmonisation of a fileset joriy
- 04:5104:51, 2025-yil 15-fevral farq tarix +9 k Bernried am Starnberger See (GR) File renamed: File:Wappen Bernried Oberbayern.png → File:DEU Bernried am Starnberger See COA.png Criterion 4 · Harmonisation of a fileset joriy
- 04:3304:33, 2025-yil 15-fevral farq tarix −8 Weil der Stadt → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 01:3301:33, 2025-yil 15-fevral farq tarix +13 The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
2025-yil 14-fevral
- 18:3518:35, 2025-yil 14-fevral farq tarix +1 Osterburken → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 16:1016:10, 2025-yil 14-fevral farq tarix +1 Giengen an der Brenz → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
2025-yil 13-fevral
- 16:4116:41, 2025-yil 13-fevral farq tarix −2 k Karrösten (GR) File renamed: File:Wappen at karroesten.svg → File:AUT Karrösten COA.svg Criterion 4 · Harmonisation of a fileset joriy
- 16:3516:35, 2025-yil 13-fevral farq tarix −2 Absam → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 16:1816:18, 2025-yil 13-fevral farq tarix +6 k Haiming (Tirol) (GR) File renamed: File:Wappen at haiming.png → File:AUT Haiming (Tirol) COA.png Criterion 4 · Harmonisation of a fileset joriy
- 16:1016:10, 2025-yil 13-fevral farq tarix −2 k Karres (GR) File renamed: File:Wappen at karres.png → File:AUT Karres COA.png Criterion 4 · Harmonisation of a fileset joriy
- 15:2315:23, 2025-yil 13-fevral farq tarix +5 Burgstädt → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 14:1414:14, 2025-yil 13-fevral farq tarix +1 k Burg Stargard (GR) File renamed: File:Wappen Burg Stargard.PNG → File:DEU Burg Stargard COA.png Criterion 4 · Harmonisation of a fileset joriy
- 14:0614:06, 2025-yil 13-fevral farq tarix +1 k Grimmen (GR) File renamed: File:Wappen Grimmen.png → File:DEU Grimmen COA.png Criterion 4 · Harmonisation of a fileset joriy
- 13:4413:44, 2025-yil 13-fevral farq tarix −4 Demmin → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 12:5812:58, 2025-yil 13-fevral farq tarix −14 Neuenhofe → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 11:0811:08, 2025-yil 13-fevral farq tarix −3 k Aurachtal (GR) File renamed: File:Wappen von Aurachtal.svg → File:DEU Aurachtal COA.svg Criterion 1 (original uploader’s request) joriy
- 10:4810:48, 2025-yil 13-fevral farq tarix +1 k Aurach (Ansbach) (GR) File renamed: File:Wappen Aurach.png → File:DEU Aurach COA.png Criterion 4 · Harmonisation of a fileset joriy
2025-yil 12-fevral
- 13:5713:57, 2025-yil 12-fevral farq tarix +1 Igensdorf → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 13:3213:32, 2025-yil 12-fevral farq tarix −3 Obertrubach → File replacement: jpg/png/gif to svg vector image (c:GR) joriy
- 13:2813:28, 2025-yil 12-fevral farq tarix −3 Eggolsheim → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 11:5311:53, 2025-yil 12-fevral farq tarix +1 k Schonach im Schwarzwald (GR) File renamed: File:Wappen Schonach im Schwarzwald.png → File:DEU Schonach im Schwarzwald COA.png Criterion 4 · Harmonisation of a fileset joriy
- 10:4610:46, 2025-yil 12-fevral farq tarix +3 Altenstadt → File replacement: jpg/png/gif to svg vector image (c:GR) joriy
- 09:5509:55, 2025-yil 12-fevral farq tarix 0 Altötting → File replacement: update to new version joriy
- 09:1809:18, 2025-yil 12-fevral farq tarix +9 Altendorf (Bamberg) → File replacement: jpg/png/gif to svg vector image (c:GR) joriy
2025-yil 11-fevral
- 16:0316:03, 2025-yil 11-fevral farq tarix +1 k Schleching (GR) File renamed: File:Wappen Schleching.png → File:DEU Schleching COA.png Criterion 4 · Harmonisation of a fileset joriy
- 15:4815:48, 2025-yil 11-fevral farq tarix −3 k Tussenhausen (GR) File renamed: File:Wappen von Tussenhausen.png → File:DEU Tussenhausen COA.png Criterion 4 · Harmonisation of a fileset joriy
- 15:4215:42, 2025-yil 11-fevral farq tarix −3 Erkheim → File replacement: jpg/png/gif to svg vector image (c:GR) joriy
- 15:0615:06, 2025-yil 11-fevral farq tarix −3 k Aiglsbach (GR) File renamed: File:Wappen von Aiglsbach.svg → File:DEU Aiglsbach COA.svg Criterion 4 · Harmonisation of a fileset joriy
- 14:3614:36, 2025-yil 11-fevral farq tarix −2 Ebbs → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 14:2814:28, 2025-yil 11-fevral farq tarix +1 Chamerau → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 13:5113:51, 2025-yil 11-fevral farq tarix +1 k Antdorf (GR) File renamed: File:Wappen Antdorf.png → File:DEU Antdorf COA.png Criterion 4 · Harmonisation of a fileset joriy
- 13:4413:44, 2025-yil 11-fevral farq tarix −3 k Arberg (GR) File renamed: File:Wappen von Arberg.png → File:DEU Arberg COA.png Criterion 4 · Harmonisation of a fileset joriy
- 13:2613:26, 2025-yil 11-fevral farq tarix −3 k Aresing (GR) File renamed: File:Wappen von Aresing.svg → File:DEU Aresing COA.svg Criterion 1 (original uploader’s request) joriy
- 13:1813:18, 2025-yil 11-fevral farq tarix −3 k Asbach-Bäumenheim (GR) File renamed: File:Wappen von Asbach-Bäumenheim.svg → File:DEU Asbach-Bäumenheim COA.svg Criterion 1 (original uploader’s request) joriy
- 13:1013:10, 2025-yil 11-fevral farq tarix −3 k Arrach (GR) File renamed: File:Wappen von Arrach.svg → File:DEU Arrach COA.svg Criterion 1 (original uploader’s request) joriy
- 12:5012:50, 2025-yil 11-fevral farq tarix +1 Andoza:Germaniya:Unterallgäu tumani shaharlari → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 11:4911:49, 2025-yil 11-fevral farq tarix −3 Attenhofen → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 11:4411:44, 2025-yil 11-fevral farq tarix −3 Arnschwang → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy