"Missuri valsi" Missuri shtatining rasmiy madhiyasi boʻlib, yaratilish tarixi Missuri universiteti bilan bogʻlangan.

Missuri valsi
Soʻz muallif(lar)i James Royce Shannon, 1914-yil
Bastakor Lee Edgar Settle, 1914-yil
Qabul qilindi 1949-yil 30-iyun
Missuri mintaqaviy madhiyasi



Qoʻshiq 2010-yilda Jennifer Lawrence rolini oʻynagan Winter’s Bone filmining ochilish sahnasi uchun Marideth Sisco tomonidan ijro etilgan[1].

Rasmiy matn 1914-yilgi matn

Hush-a-bye, ma baby, slumbertime is cominʼ soon;
Rest yoʻ head upon my breast while Mommy hums a tune;
The sandman is callinʼ where shadows are fallinʼ,
While the soft breezes sigh as in days long gone by.
Way down in Missouri where I heard this melody,
When I was a little child upon my Mommy’s knee;
The old folks were humminʼ; their banjos were strumminʼ;
So sweet and low.
Strum, strum, strum, strum, strum,
Seems I hear those banjos playinʼ once again,
Hum, hum, hum, hum, hum,
That same old plaintive strain.
Hear that mournful melody,
It just haunts you the whole day long,
And you wander in dreams back to Dixie (heaven), it seems,
When you hear that old time song.
Hush-a-bye ma baby, go to sleep on Mommy’s knee,
Journey back to Dixieland (paradise) in dreams again with me;
It seems like your Mommy is there once again,
And the old folks were strumminʼ that same old refrain.
Way down in Missouri where I learned this lullaby,
When the stars were blinkinʼ and the moon was climbinʼ high,
Seems I hear voices low, as in days long ago,
Singinʼ hush-a-bye.

Hush-a-bye, ma baby, slumbertime is cominʼ soon;
Rest yoʻ head upon my chest while Mammy hums a tune;
The sandman is callinʼ where shadows are fallinʼ,
While the soft breezes sigh as in days long gone by.
Way down in Missouri where I heard this melody,
When I was a Pickaninny on ma Mammy’s knee;
The darkies were humminʼ; their banjos were strumminʼ;
So sweet and low.
Strum, strum, strum, strum, strum,
Seems I hear those banjos playinʼ once again,
Hum, hum, hum, hum, hum,
That same old plaintive strain.
Hear that mournful melody,
It just haunts you the whole day long,
And you wander in dreams back to Dixie, it seems,
When you hear that old time song.
Hush-a-bye ma baby, go to sleep on Mammy’s knee,
Journey back to Dixieland in dreams again with me;
It seems like your Mammy was there once again,
And the darkies were strumminʼ that same old refrain.
Way down in Missouri where I learned this lullaby,
When the stars were blinkinʼ and the moon was climbinʼ high,
And I hear Mammy Cloe, as in days long ago,
Singinʼ hush-a-bye.


  1. McCarthy, Ellen. „Linda Ronstadt never stopped singing“ (inglizcha) (3-dekabr 2019-yil). Qaraldi: 4-dekabr 2019-yil.

