Ramones («Remounz») — amerikalik rok-guruh, pank-rokning ilk ijrochilaridan birlari, bu va alternativ rokning ko'pchilik boshqa oqimlariga ta'sir ko'rsatganlar.
Ramones | |
![]() The Ramones | |
Umumiy maʼlumot | |
Kelib chiqishi | Nyu-York |
Mamlakat |
![]() |
Faoliyat yillari | 1974 - 1996 |
Janr |
punk rock, Oi punk |
Leybl |
Sire Records (1976–1992) Radioactive Records (1992-1996) Chrysalis Records (1992–1996) |
Tarkib |
Joui Ramon (Joey Ramone) Jonni Ramon (Johnny Ramone) Di Di Ramon (Dee Dee Ramone) Tommi Ramon (Tommy Ramone) Marki Ramon (Marky Ramone) Si Jey Ramon (C.J. Ramone) Richi Ramon (Richie Ramone) Elvis Ramon (Elvis Ramone) |
Vebsayt | www.ramones.com |
tahrir1974-yil Nyu-Yorkda tashkil topgan. Uning tarkibiga: gitarachi Jonni Ramon (Johnny Ramone - haqiqiy ismi Jon Kammings; 1951-y. 8-oktyabrda t., Long-Aylend, Nyu-York, AQSH), basist Di Di Ramon (Dee Dee Ramone - haqiqiy ismi Duglas Kolvin; 1952-y. 18-sentyabrda t., Vankuver, Kanada), vokalchi Joui Ramon (Joey Ramone - haqiqiy ismi Jeffri Hayman; 1952-y. 19-mayda t. va barabanchi Tommi Ramon (Tommy Ramone - Tommi Erdeli; 1952-y. 29-yanvarda t., Budapesht, Vengriya)lar kirganlar. Keyinchalik, 1978-yilda guruh tarkibida o'zgarishlar ro'y berib, barabanlarga Marki Ramon (Marky Ramone - haqiqiy ismi Mark Bell) o'tiradi, 1989-yilda esa bas-gitarachi Di Di guruhni tark etadi va uning o'rniga Si Jey Ramon (C.J.Ramone - haqiqiy ismi Kristofer Jozef Vard) keladi. Guruhning barcha ishtirokchilari bir xil familiyani tahallus qilib olishadi - Ramon. Buning sababi, Pol Makkartnining mehmonhonalarda "Bitlz" guruhi ishtirokchilarini ro'yhatdan o'tkazayotganda Paul Ramone (yoki Ramon) ismini ishlatishi edi. "Bitlz" ularning ijodiga jiddiy ta'sir ko'rsatgan.
Ramones'ga shuhrat 1976-1977 yy.larda, pank-rokning namunalari bo'lgan qator albomlarni yozishganda keladi
1996-yil 6-avgust guruh faoliyatini 2263ta konsert o'tkazib tugatadi, musiqachilar yakkahon proyektlar bilan shug'ullanadilar. 2001-2004 yillarda to'rt asoschilardan uchtasi vafot etadi: Joui (15-aprel 2001, Nyu-York), Di Di (5-6 iyun 2002, Los-Anjeles) va Jonni (15-sentyabr 2004, Los-Anjeles).
tahrir- 1976: Ramones
- 1977: Leave Home
- 1977: Rocket to Russia
- 1978: Road to Ruin
- 1978: It’s Alive (ikki qismlik konsert albomi)
- 1979: Rock 'n' Roll Highschool (saundtrek)
- 1980: End of the Century
- 1981: Pleasant Dreams
- 1983: Subterranean Jungle
- 1984: Too Tough to Die
- 1986: Animal Boy
- 1987: Halfway To Sanity
- 1988: Ramones Mania
- 1989: Brain Drain
- 1991: Loco Live
- 1992: Mondo Bizarro
- 1993: Acid Eaters
- 1995: Adios Amigos
- 1996: Greatest Hits Live (eng zo'r xitlar yig'ilgan konsert albomi)
- 1997: We’re Outta Here (guruhning ohirgi konserti yozilgan albom)
- 2003: You Don't Come Close ("Road to Ruin" turi vaqtidagi Bremen (Germaniya)dagi konsert yozuvi, 1978-yil)
tahrir- 1979: High School Confidential
- 1979: L.A. and Aberdeen
- 1988: Ramones Mania
- 1990: All The Stuff And More Vol.1
- 1990: End of the Decade
- 1991: All The Stuff And More Vol.2
- 1999: Anthology (2 CDs)
- 2000: Ramones Mania, Vol. 2
- 2001: You Don’t Come Close
- 2002: Loud, Fast Ramones — Their Toughest Hits
- 2002: Best Of The Chrysalis Years
- 2002: Chrysalis Anthology
- 2004: Live 7-yanvar 1978-yil at the Palladium, NYC
- 2004: The Best of the Ramones
- 2004: Live 7-yanvar 1978-yil at the Palladium, NYC, Pt. 1
- 2004: Live 7-yanvar 1978-yil at the Palladium, NYC, Pt. 2
- 2005: Weird Tales of the Ramones
Video va DVD
tahrir- 1981: Rock 'N' Roll High School (Video)
- 1990: Lifestyles of the Ramones
- 1998: Around the World
- 2004: We’re Outta Here (06.08.1996-yil Los-Anjelesdagi konsert+ intervyu va turnedan materiallar)
- 2004: Ramones — Raw (Marky Ramone'ning shaxsiy materiallari+ konsert yozuvlari)
- 2004: Blitzkrieg Bop: Live and Loud at CBGB!
- 2005: End Of The Century: The Story Of The Ramones (dokumental film)
- 2006: The True Story
Ramones'larning albom-tribyutlari
tahrir- 1991: Gabba Gabba Hey: A Tribute To The Ramones (AQSH)
- 1998: Blitzkrieg Over You: A Tribute To The Ramones (Germaniya)
- 2001: 1, 2, 3, 4…A Lo-Fi Ramones Tribute (Belgiya)
- 2001: Ramones Maniacs (AQSH)
- 2001: Do You Remember Rock 'n' Roll High School? - Adios! Joey Ramone (Yaponiya)
- 2001: Ramones Not Dead! A Tribute To Ramones (Yaponiya)
- 2001: I Wanna Be A Ramone: Un Homenaje A Los Ramones (Urugvay)
- 2002: Rock 'n' Roll Radio: Ramones Compilation (Ispaniya)
- 2002: The Song Ramones The Same: A Tribute To The Ramones (Shvetsiya)
- 2002: Ramones Forever: An International Tribute (AQSH)
- 2003: Hoy Los Ramones, Manana El Mundo (Argentina)
- 2003: Ramones Addicts (Fransiya)
- 2003: Something To Believe In: A Tribute To The Ramones (Yaponiya)
- 2003: Tocando Ramones (Argentina)
- 2003: We’re A Happy Family: A Tribute To Ramones (AQSH)
- 2004: Sniffin' Glue: A Las Vegas Tribute To The Ramones (Kanada)
- 2004: Gabber Gabber Hey! A Loud And Fast Accelerated Tribute To The Ramones (AQSH)
- 2005: All Good Cretins Go To Heaven: A Tribute To The Ramones (Germaniya)
- 2005: Todos Somos Ramones (Argentina)
- 2005: Ramoneskidz: Russian DIY Tribute To The Ramones (Rossiya)
- 2005: Leaving Home: A Norwegian Tribute To The Ramones (Norvegiya)
- 2006: Brats On The Brat: Ramones For Kids (AQSH)
- 2007: Rockabye Baby! Lullaby Renditions Of The Ramones (AQSH)
tahrir- 2005: Gabba Gabba Hey
tahrir- Ramones'ga bag'ishlangan rus tilidagi sayt
- rus tilidagi pank portali
- Ramones.com (Wayback Machine saytida 2020-04-24 sanasida arxivlangan)
- Joeyramone.com
- http://www.officialramones.com (Wayback Machine saytida 2016-03-24 sanasida arxivlangan)
- http://ramones.kauhajoki.fi
- RAMONEStory.it
- Ramones Fan Club Japan